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Mammillaria pectinifera

Common Name(s): Conchilinque
Synonym(s): Pelecyphora pectinata, Solisia pectinata
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Subfamily: Cactoideae
Tribe: Cacteae
Distribution: Puebla - Mexico (North America)
Habit: Globose-Cylindrical
Flower: Pink, WhiteEncounterability: Common Worldwide
Species Notes: This species is listed in Appendix I of CITES.

This species has in the past been included under the genus Pelycyphora due to its very similar pectinate spines. Later, it was recognized that the flower was not that of a Pelycyphora and the species was moved into its own genus, Solisia. Most current texts place it under the genus Mammillaria, while some still use the name Solisia. In either case, this species is quite unique among Mammillaria-flowered plants in that it is the only such species with dramatically pectinate (comb-like) spines. Compare with M. solisoides (sometimes considered Mammillaria pectinifera ssp. solisoides) which has radial spines in pectinate arrangement, but much less so than M. pectinifera.
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Mammillaria pectinifera
M. pectinifera
Picture taken at: John Chippindale's Private Collection Leeds, England

Photographer: John Chippindale
Mammillaria pectinifera
M. pectinifera
Picture taken at: Private Collection

Photographer: Richard
Mammillaria pectinifera
M. pectinifera
Picture taken at: Juergen Menzel's Private Collection

Photographer: Juergen Menzel

Photographer's Website: Click Here

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