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Opuntia durangensis

Common Name(s):
Synonym(s): Opuntia leucotricha
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Subfamily: Opuntioideae
Distribution: Mexico (North America)
Habit: Treelike
Flower: YellowEncounterability: Unusual in Collections
Species Notes: Comment from Dave Ferguson -Associate Curator, Rio Grande Botanic Garden:
Your photo of O. durangensis is really O. robusta. Most O. robusta are even spinier than this one, but the ones in cultivation are usually weakly spined. O. durangensis grows like O. ficus-indica, and is in fact probably a northwestern variety of O. leuchotricha, to which it is nearly identical. It makes forests near the city of Durango (where O. robusta is also quite common).

I felt that leaving the picture with this description might prove helpful in avoiding mis-identification at least until I have some actual images of O. durangensis
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Opuntia durangensis
O. durangensis
Picture taken at: Quail Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

Photographer: Daiv Freeman
Opuntia durangensis
O. durangensis
Picture taken at: Quail Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

Photographer: Daiv Freeman

*Currently 181 of 181 known species are represented on

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