Is my Cactus Sick?

Trouble shoot problems you are having with your cactus.
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Is my Cactus Sick?

Post by say_22 »

This is a photo of my first cactus that I have a question about...At the base it appears to be rotting...I am unsure if this is rot and I don't know what to do about it. I It is usually not an outdoor cactus, I keep it inside.

Should it be outside? Also, how much water should I be giving it? have no idea what I am doing. SOS. ha...
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Re: Is my Cactus Sick?

Post by esp_imaging »

Is the base going soft and squidgy? If so you have rot.
If it's hard and firm, the skin is just going corky, this tends to happen to the oldest parts of cactus stems over time. It's nothing to worry about.
say_22 wrote: It is usually not an outdoor cactus, I keep it inside.

Should it be outside? Also, how much water should I be giving it?
Without knowing where in the world you are, it's hard to answer these questions.
However, most opuntias will be happy outside in a sunny spot during the summer in temperate climates.
General advice is to have cacti in very free draining compost in containers with drainiage holes in the bottom to allow excess water to escape, and to water thoroughly and then allow the plant to dry out.
A small diverse collection of Cacti & Succulents
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