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Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:15 am
by hoteidoc
Only this isn't Josh, Sue.
Peter - hence the "doc" in hoteidoc :wink: -- & Watkins is just 20 miles south of me.

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:33 pm
by oldcat61
Oops - shouldn't do the forum with one side of brain while the other side is doing invoices for my husband's business. Still no idea how Peter & hotei & doc go together. Isn't Hotei a happy Japanese god? Sue

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:48 am
by promethean_spark
The Orroya is 6 years old from seed. The peruviana v depressa SSP may bloom smaller than neoperuviana.
They come from high elevation and don't like heat. More winter chill might encourage it to flower better.

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:15 pm
by hoteidoc
It's probably near the 6 yr mark. Don't know the ssp., but it's up the "cool" room for the Winter (45 - 55F), Unfortunately, previous 2 Summers it had heat too, several extended periods of 85 - 99F #-o This past Summer was significantly cooler with only a couple of short spells in low 90's. As usual, as long as it's alive, we'll see

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:02 am
by promethean_spark
Spring is spronging:
T. valdezianus
P. knowltoni 2 weeks ago
E. micromeris caught in the act
Pedio knowltoni and 'maia' seedlings 5 days ago, first drench
same seedlings today - burst grower is right! Hadn't seen much water since May.
Big brother is also bursting. Looks like I can use it's flowers to let me know when to water the babies!
Turbinicarpus psudopectinatus looks photoshopped, but it's not.

My laptop died last summer and got replaced with a tablet, leaving me to compete with the kids over the desktop to post stuff, which is why I've been quiet recently. I'm expecting a lot more first flowers this season, so hopefully I'll be able to share! :D

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:03 am
by CactusFanDan
Great plants! :) Especially those Pedio's, they're brilliant. I can't wait to get mine going.

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:14 am
by hegar
I am amazed by your skill of growing cacti from seed. Also, the kinds of cacti you are growing is extraordinary. I cannot purchase plants like Ariocarpus agavoides and others of that genus, except A. fissuratus and A. trigonus, of which I do have one each. You do have Geohintonia mexicana, Aztekium hintonii (also ritteri?), Strombocactus disciformis, Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus, etc.. Where did you purchase the seed and do you know of any source, where I could buy plants of these genera and species?
Although I do live in the Chihuahua Desert we are not blessed with big cactus nurseries. The closest business dealing in all sorts of cacti is Mesa Garden in Belen, New Mexico. At one time MIles2Go had some rare cacti, but the last time I checked the assortment was not what it used to be.


Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:32 am
by promethean_spark
Pedios seem to be like lithops - not too hard if you only water at the right time of year. Mar-May.
All my seedlings are from mesagarden or jurgen's (cactusjordie) seed. You get much better results with 100 seed than 10, poor germination still produces a decent yield and good germination will produce several vigorous plants among a lot of average plants. I had a pot with about 16 yearling A ritteri from 100 seed but mold took over and I lost them dispite trying to graft several, so everything doesn't go perfectly. Plant enough and learn from your mistakes and you'll be happy with the results.

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 5:09 am
by promethean_spark
Here's some stuff from the last week.
Escobaria minima
Neochilenia jussieui
Escobaria orcuttii konegii
Strombocactus disciformis
Dudleya seedlings (the large ones are brittonii and hasseii
I just grind up the seed pods over these pots every fall...

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:52 am
by adetheproducer
Very nice plants.

Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:05 am
by Mark
Wow! Lots of buds on that Strombo! Excellent!


Re: Josh's 2012

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 7:04 am
by promethean_spark
esc_orcutti_konegi.jpg (87.08 KiB) Viewed 8498 times
Escobaria orcuttii v konegii SB92 Luna Co, NM has put on some size since 2014!
Put up a harbor freight 10x12 GH this spring and plants are very happy so far.