The cheshirecat's succulent problem...

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Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:44 am
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Re: The cheshirecat's succulent problem...

Post by the_cheshirecat »

Eh, the "mother plant" had been uprooted and left for dead in a grassy verge...
I actually went back with scissors and oven mitts and removed a couple of pads whilst humming the mission impossible theme :lol:
Sadly this means that the plant has gone from lovely, sunny balmy sea air to the land of rain and vitamin d supplements.
To be fair the opuntia are doing really well, other plants not so much #-o
I'm just waiting to move back into a home I was in last year, with lovely sunny windowsills and decent temperature control but until then it's damage control with my "brothel lights" :)
Ty the cheshirecat
Posts: 96
Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:44 am
Location: UK

Re: The cheshirecat's succulent problem...

Post by the_cheshirecat »

Hello again!
After moving home, being buried up in snow, working like mad, finally I have a moment to put up an update of sorts...
I relocated the plants in the new home, and returned after a week.
I found that my sedum palmieri had decided to flower and dry up while I was away, so I missed out on that.
On the plus side, my kalanchoe is flowering now, and my Easter cactus has lots of blossoms, so I'm really proud of that (I grew that one from a leaf!).
All the plants seem to enjoy the new home, and the light that comes with it...
If you look at the pictures you can see one horizontal plant starting to lift its head :roll:
Sadly, it was too late for a few of my plants and for the first time ever I've had casualties ](*,)
Even worse, my pachypodium has lost its last top leaf, although there are still a few on the lateral branches, and the plant in itself seems alive :?:
Anyway, any advice on how to help my plants recover from an awful season?
At the moment I've fed them,and put them out of the cat's reach (he has an unhealthy fascination with the aloe variegata for some reason...).
I've also collected a few leaves to see if I can get new starters, which seems a very spring-like thing to do if you ignore the snow!
easter cactus.jpg
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Ty the cheshirecat
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