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Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:18 pm
by oldcat61
Doesn't look like you have much grit in your soil mix. Pebbles are not what you need. Read about mix components on this forum - at least get some pumice or cat litter. Sue

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:22 pm
by CarefreeHWY
CactusFanDan wrote:Hmm that cut surface doesn't look too hot, but I'm sure it'll be fine. It looks dry, which is good.

I'd say your other plant looks like a rooted cutting. :P The discolouration is probably fine.
Yeah I wasn't so sure it was suppose to look like that, it is very dry though. Do you think it is just bruised from the blade?
I will post another photo in a week or so

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:58 pm
by CactusFanDan
CarefreeHWY wrote:Yeah I wasn't so sure it was suppose to look like that, it is very dry though. Do you think it is just bruised from the blade?
I will post another photo in a week or so
Most likely bruised, yeah. If you see any rot carrying up the length of the stem then you'll have to cut it again. :P

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:28 pm
by CarefreeHWY
Just an update, it has been 16 days or so.. How is it looking?
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Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:14 pm
by Steve Johnson
CarefreeHWY wrote:Just an update, it has been 16 days or so.. How is it looking?
From what I see, I'd say that you have a strausii about ready to start pushing out new roots. Really good callousing, no sign of mold or rot (obviously) -- time for you to repot. Wish I knew more about Cleistocactus, but I honestly don't know how long it'll take when you should expect new rooting activity. Just be patient, and don't tempt yourself into watering too soon. Encouraging progress so far, and keep us posted with a further update.

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:41 am
by CactusFanDan
I can't say I have experience of rooting cuttings of this species, but that amount of tissue collapsing is a bit worrying. :-k Usually when rooting any cactus I wouldn't expect all the soft tissue to retract around the vascular bundles, but I guess this must have quite woody vascular tissue. It doesn't look right to me, but I'll let someone who knows something about Cleistocactus cuttings comment. Tristan (Minime8484) is a Cleisto. expert so hopefully he'll see this. If not you might want to PM him to see what he thinks. :P

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:54 am
by cactushobbyman
Mine is drying the same. Mine may have pulled up even more than yours. I don't get in a hurry to replant. I would put it on top of a soil mix of 4 parts inorganic to one organic and I use pea gravel at least 1/2 inch deep to hold it in place and it should root within 6 months. Then I water it the same as I water my greenhouse, every two weeks. I rooted one cactus that was so bad, it took almost a year to get roots. I had it just sitting on top of my cactus mix. Good luck :D

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Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:21 pm
by CarefreeHWY
Thank you all for the replies,
now I'm a bit worried though, from what Dan has said. I will send a message off to Minime8484 and see what he thinks about it. :-k

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:41 pm
by CarefreeHWY
It's shriveled up pretty bad, it doesn't look good :(

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 12:29 pm
by CarefreeHWY
Shriveled up to nothing, no roots, looks like its ready for the garbage

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:39 pm
by cactushobbyman
I haven't planted mine. Still sitting on the bench. I might plant it this month. :D

Re: clestocactus strausii rot Help!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:53 pm
by oldcat61
I had rot spots/sections on some of the plants from my big greenhouse rescue. Scraped away the "goo", washed with peroxide. Let dry & then sprayed with Daconil ( available at Lowe/Depot) . The Daconil is quite thick, so let it dry before repotting. I kept the rot spots above the "soil" ( really a mineral mix) & sprayed again in a week or so. That was back in August & they have all healed over the bad spots. One big Rebutia cluster has a kind of "cave" on one side but I faced that part to the wall. It's all hardened & the new growth will probably hide the cave in time. Meanwhile, it's full of buds. I haven't used it on a complete cut-off-and- root job, just scooping out a rotted spot. Worth a try on your next sickie. Sue