Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

I think the biggest mistake I have made is not exposing the caudex to more sun. The vines are reaching. I think the plant will naturally protect itself by growing a lot of shorter vines to protect the caudex like these in nature.
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If you look at the pictures of how they grow in the ground, they are exposed to sun. I think 2 things happen. The Caudex takes in more moisture and expands and it then sends off more vines that open up sooner to protect the caudex.
We still have more sun and heat happening in Los Angeles through October I hope, so I'm moving it into direct sun and seeing what happens.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

No one discusses how these grow in nature. All postings are about growing in greenhouses, on window sills or patio area's. All discuss how the plants go dormant during the summer. But what is summer? Digging deep into posted pictures of growing conditions and plant growth in nature shows the plants in sun and with a huge head of vines, shading the caudex. I wonder if the plants go dormant in nature. Do the vines die off during rainy season. Does the caudex grow and absorb water durning the off season preparing for the sun and heat?
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

Ok.. The caudex wants sun exposure as well as heat. It's been 85 degrees for the last 2 days.
2 days later I have leaves opening up and the vine that stopped sprouted has started up again.
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A few of the extended leaf stalks are drying up.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

The newer plant has been sitting in our plant window. It receives morning sun. It has been stagnant with nothing happening. It has been drink water since the soil dried out in 4 days. I decided to experiment with this one also. I moved it outdoors into a sunny spot at the same time I move the other plant into sun.
The little one is suddening growing and smaller older leaves are growing larger. The lighter colored leaves are the newer growth over the last 2 days. There is one vine that has started to grow again
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It's difficult to see, but in the middle of this picture there is the vine that is growing again. You can see the tip's new activity.
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This is a 7" bowl
I think this is proving my theory that the cuadex will sprout vines and leaves to protect itself from the sun.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

It looks like my theory is holding true.
I placed the larger plant in all day sun 3 days ago. All the leaf extensions along the vines have sudden grown and started to open. There are even new leaf nubs forming along the vines closer to the caudex.
Examples of 2
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

IS there anyone out there that has a more extensive knowledge on the cultivation of these plants?
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by Cactipack »


It sems your plant has taken well to the sun. I agree with your theory that sprouts leaves/bigger vine is an attempt to shade itself. As for the age, I'm really unsure how old it is.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

Los Angeles has gone cold. Yesterday and today we are stuck with clouds and off and on rain, so the sun has disappeared. The plant showed remarkable leaf growth between Monday and Wednesday with some of the opened leaves growing larger. 90% of the leave growth has been on the lower half of the vines. The leaf nods grew in length and split into 2 or more individual leaves. This confirms my thoughts that if the caudex is exposed to sun, it will protect itself.
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I was looking through more websites and video's about this plant. One in particular was interesting. He was growing his inside and it was a huge bush of leaves. He had uploaded a video showing a timelapse of his vines growing which was just incredible. You could watch the vines twist and turn trying to find something to attach too. But more interesting was that he was using a very intense light on the plant. So, very bright and hot. Similar to direct sun.
Another website talked about pot size. This person noticed that if his plants were in larger pots the caudex would grow faster. If he placed his plants in pots just slightly larger then the caudex, growth slowed down. He also felt they need a deep pot, not a shallow pot. The smaller plant I have has pushed a root through the drain hole. The larger plant did arrive in a deeper plastic pot and the root ball was decently sized. The next step is to repot in a deeper and larger pot.
I'm hoping for more sun. I now understand how the plant protects itself and maybe will get a full bloom before it stops growing for a period of time.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

Video link- Its incredible to watch
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

Just spent way to much time doing more research. Everything I read now is the same. Shade , no direct sun. I'm going to continue going against the grain and let this baby get sun. It obviously likes it. It's growing leaves lower to protect itself.
I'm also starting to think this a dioscorea mexicana not a dioscorea elephantipes.
According to one of the sites, the dioscorea elephantipes caudex is grey. Also the caudex is sharper and the fissure are more square. This is the one that comes from Africa and goes dormant in the summer.
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The pictures shown for the dioscorea mexican caudex are brown. The fissures are more geometric like the ones on my larger plant. This one comes from mexico and goes dormant in the winter.
I just bought a dioscorea mexicana on etsy. I am now going to have 3 of these dioscorea plants. Comparing them will be fun.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by Hallow »

Since mine started growing again I put them in a east facing window. There doing extremely well. Almost to good there attacking everything around them. LoL. I am not going to be able to move them or any other around them until they take there rest and I can cut them back. Lesson learned on my part..... Use a trellis and pay attention to what there going to climb. I'll post pictures later today.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by Hallow »

Here's a few pics of the youngsters I have. As you can see in the pictures the cadex is getting 0 sunlight. Even from the start they had minimal sun. The new growth easily found good sun. The one with the bunny ears on it. last growing season, the growth didn't even make it to the top of the ears. It was in a north window. This season it's in a east window. This season it's triple the size and growing. If I remember correctly yours and mine started growing about the same time. Mid August? It's interesting to see yours doesn't have leaves yet. Does yours have mealy bugs? They seem to love these plants. I am in constant battle with them. Underground mealys can happen too. Just a thought.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

Hi Hallow
Mine is covered in leaves. I got this plant 2 months ago. It was just coming out of dormancy when it arrived. I suspect the late bloom was because it was in a bit of shock. Bumped around in shipping and then transplanting. It's doing great now. It's enjoying being in sun. These plants seem to be adapters to whatever conditions you place them.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

Todays shots. It's been in the low 50's at night and the mid70's during the day
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More leaves are opening up on the lower end of the vines.
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Re: Cultivation of a Dioscorea Elephantipes.

Post by mikethecactusguy »

Here is the other newer plant. Again happy to be outside and getting some direct sun
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Mike The Cactus Guy
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