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Reliable way to distinguish two epiphytes?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:23 pm
by peterb
Hello- A friend of mine is growing a "rick rack" cactus and wants to know if it is Cryptocereus anthonyanus or Epiphyllum anguliger. Without flowers (which make it easy!) is there any way to tell with certainty which she has?

Peter Breslin

Re: Reliable way to distinguish two epiphytes?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:24 pm
by esp_imaging
It's probably not totally reliable, but my Cryptocereus anthonyanus has surprisingly sharp spines - it's possibly to get spiked if I run my finger along the side of a stem.
From the description, I understand E. anguliger has the standard feeble bristly things most epiphytic "leaf" cacti have.