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How do I continue care?

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:02 pm
by Brittany204
Hi everyone! A little over a year ago, I purchased a cactus from Ikea. About two months ago, I noticed it has started to grow a little crooked. So I rotated its sun exposure and it seemed to help but not entirely. I also noticed it was growing very thin near the top and then tapers back out. I repotted my cactus to make sure the pot was large enough and made sure it was not loose in the pot to discourage crooked growing. I have been noticing loss of spine on some areas. Recently it started growing (what I think to be) pups and I do not know the next proper steps for care. I was wondering if the thin area and the loss of spines would be a factor of the pups.
Thank you in advance!

Re: How do I continue care?

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:44 pm
by ElieEstephane
Brittany204 wrote:Hi everyone! A little over a year ago, I purchased a cactus from Ikea. About two months ago, I noticed it has started to grow a little crooked. So I rotated its sun exposure and it seemed to help but not entirely. I also noticed it was growing very thin near the top and then tapers back out. I repotted my cactus to make sure the pot was large enough and made sure it was not loose in the pot to discourage crooked growing. I have been noticing loss of spine on some areas. Recently it started growing (what I think to be) pups and I do not know the next proper steps for care. I was wondering if the thin area and the loss of spines would be a factor of the pups.
Thank you in advance!
The thin area is due to the lack of light. I'd position it in a sunny windowsill because it needs a lot of direct sunlight. This is called etiolatipn. But move it gradually to more and more sun. As for the pups, leave them this growing season on the mother plant then cut them next year, leave them to dry for a few days and then repot them in a fast draining mix.
Loss of spines could be due to damp conditions.
As for the large pot, you don't need a large pot. You need just enough for the rootball. A large pot takes longer to dry up and thus will increase chance of rot.

One other course of action is to cut the etiolated part completely. This way your cactus will produce many more pups and you'll have a nice looking clump in 2-3 years. But this is entirely up to you.

Good luck with your plant!