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Cactus of the month (feb 08) Weingartia mairanana

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:58 pm
by hob
Weingartia mairanana (Brandt)


Growth Habits: Usually solitary , 4 inches wide (10 cm), 8 inches tall (20 cm)

Scientific name; Weingartia neocumingii subsp. pulquinensis v. mairanensis

Common names: None found.

Synonym: : Sulcorebutia multispina, Weingartia hediniana, Weingartia neocumingii var. hediniana, Weingartia knizei, Weingartia lanata, Rebutia lanata, Weingartia longigibba, Weingartia mairanana, Weingartia sucrensis, Weingartia mataralensis, Sulcorebutia sucrensis, Weingartia miranda, Weingartia multispina, Weingartia neglecta, Sulcorebutia neocorroana, Sulcorebutia platygona, Weingartia platygona, Sulcorebutia pulquinensis, Weingartia pulquinensis, Gymnocalycium pulquinense, Weingartia saetosa, Sulcorebutia hediniana, Weingartia corroana, Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis var. callecallensis, Sulcorebutia neocumingii, Weingartia neocumingii, Weingartia attenuata, Weingartia brachygraphisa, Rebutia corroana, Weingartia callecallensis, Weingartia gracilispina, Sulcorebutia callecallensis, Weingartia chuquichuquinensis, Weingartia flavida, Weingartia buiningiana, Sulcorebutia flavida, Weingartia columnaris, Weingartia erinacea, Sulcorebutia erinacea, Weingartia cumingii, Rebutia cumingii, Gymnocalycium pulquinense var. corroanum, Sulcorebutia neocorroana, Weingartia pulquinensis var. corroana

Etymology: The name pays tribute to Wilhelm Weingart, and from the region of Mairana bolivia

Origin: Mairana bolivia

Light: Full sun to light shade.

Compost. . Normal well draining cactus compost.

Water: Regular water in spring to autumn.

Flower: Bright yellow 1” long and 1” wide from the top of the plant.

Min temp: Will take a little below freezing for short periods if dry at the roots, it needs winter chill (below 45F, 7C) to bloom in summer.

Cultivation: As for most rebutia/weingartia this plant benefits from regular re-potting until it reaches a good size, thereafter every 2\3 years.

Habitat. From the Andes mountains in central Bolivia Mairana,1500m above sea level.

Comments: : As can be seen from the Synonym list above this plant has been hard to classify and has been moved around a lot over the years. It is not easy to understand the more recent placement of this plant into Rebutia as it has none of the classic Rebutia characteristics IE small clumping habit, flowers from the base of the plant ect. It will be interesting to see where dna studies will place it in the next few years.

Note: All the 60 species of genus Weingartia have been transferred to synonymy status under the genus Rebutia; many of them as synonyms of R. neocumingii. This plant is placed under R. neocumingii.
