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Opuntia borinquensis

Common Name(s):
Synonym(s): Opuntia curassavica
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Subfamily: Opuntioideae
Distribution: Puerto Rico - Greater Antilles (West Indies - Carribean)
Habit: Flattened-Padded
Flower: UnknownEncounterability: Extremely Rare
Original Description: The Cactaceae 1 p.103 - Britton & Rose (1920)
Plants few-branched, forming colonies often 2 meters across, 5 dm high or less; joints readily detached, oblong to obovate-oblong, dull green, glabrous, compressed but turgid, 5 to 8 cm long, 4 cm wide or less, about 1.5 cm thick; areoles small, 1 to 2 cm apart, bearing 2 or 3 acicular spines, the larger up to 6 cm long, brown when young, fading white; leaves subulate, acuminate, 1 to 2 mm long; fruit obovoid, substruncate, 1.3 cm long
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