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Notes for the Genus:
Etymology -Named after a French cactus grower -Monsieur P. Rebut.
The genus Rebutia is one of the most popular in cultivation. Several species are produced on a large scale commercially and found in garden centers around the world. The plants in this genus are small, globose or flattened-globose plants that usually form a small clump. Stems are usually tuberculate in poorly-defined ribs. Spines vary widely even within plants of the same species. They are vigorous growers which flower quite readily with typically a large number of relatively large, showy, brightly-colored flowers which arise from areoles, usually around the lower portions of the stems. Flowers are funnel-shaped with floral tubes that often extend and curve upwards over the plant. Floral tubes feature scales and may have hairs, but not spines.
In addition to being a popular plant among hobbyists, Rebutia the taxonomic status is one of the most hotly disputed in the cactus family. Several genera, which have been lumped into Rebutia are fiercely and emotionally adhered to by individual growers. Such genera as Sulcorebutia, Weingartia, Aylostera, and Mediolobivia are still very common in the trade or personal websites. This is not to say that these sentiments are not completely unwarranted. In fact, there is much work being done on this cactus group and upcoming publications may vindicate the hobbyists in the end.
In the wild, these plants are found in the hills and mountains of Argentina and Bolivia.