Topics, pictures, and space.

Anything relating to Cacti or that doesn't fit in another category should be posted under General.
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Topics, pictures, and space.

Post by daiv »

Ok, I think I should explain a little about the forum, bandwidth, traffic, images, etc.

Indeed, as Jackie pointed out, if your images are hosted on another server (such as photobucket) they will not be taking up any space on my server. Also the host server will be the one serving the image (this is also known as "hot linking") while my server will be simply processing the hyperlink.

Don't get me wrong, I really want this to continue to be the friendly board that it has become. I also am surprised at how quickly it has grown. There's a new user every couple days and tons of great cacti-related info, pictures, and commentary. I am thrilled with the direction it's headed.

Primarily, I want to try and keep from getting too sidetracked on the forum for the sake of future growth. If not for hosting concerns, at least for the sake of relevancy when searching topics and browsing the forum. I'd like new users to be impressed with the amount of cacti info here. I don't just mean technical jargon either. I think everyone's personal expriences with cacti, your favorites, heck even cacti related poetry if you have any :-s are all good things to post. Bob's idea of putting up pictures of each other I thought was a pretty good one. I still think the Robert Redford/Clint Eastwood self-description that John had is an uncanny fit. :wink:

Also when using the [Img] tag to post am image right on the forum (rather than a link), sizing pictures down helps make them easier to view and fit better on the page. I recommend 600 X 450 pixels for that. Some visitors have smaller monitors than others and this will be helpful.

I encourage the use of Private Messaging, too.

Overall, I really want this site to become the best it can be at what it was concieved to be; an on-line guide for the positive identification of members of the cactus family. In doing so, I want it to be easy to navigate, content-rich, and most of all uncluttered! You'll notice no advetising, banners, pop-ups or any of that sort of thing. Further in the future, perhaps, an on-line store might be added. (After a lot of other features.) However, my thoughts on that would be to create an outlet where unique and specialty cacti-related products and plants can be found; things like grafting stock such as was recently inquired about on the forum or even a "Send-to-a-Friend" type system to make international shipping easier and faster.

Not to get off subject, but I hope that this makes some sense and that everyone will continue to utilizie this forum and keep adding more great posts.

Last edited by daiv on Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cactusbutt »

Thanks Daiv,
I have only been here a month or so
and this forum has seemed to be
growing very fast. :D
It's a great place for us cacti nuts :D
to get alot of help and ID with cacti
even if im wrong on my cacti ID #-o
I still learn alot from others :wink:
and I could use spell check :lol:
Have a good one \:D/

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Post by tillie »

I'm glad to hear that because I'm a pretty visual based person. I came hear to talk about cacti and it remains my primary goal, so I guess I'm safe there.

I agree on the trade system. We could all get a list of our succulents and cacti together and post it somewhere, with a link to e-mail us or something? I guess that's awhile away though.
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Post by ihc6480 »

Points well made daiv. Yes the forum is growing and I'm actually enjoying see new people on the board as it means more info to assist me and other newbies :)
Thanks Daiv, job well done and points well made :D

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