Edithcolea grandis cuttings

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Edithcolea grandis cuttings

Post by stanislas »

Dear all,

I would like to have some advice regarding Edithcolea grandis. I finally am the happy owner of such plant. It's clearly grown from seed as far as I can tell, and regarding progagation I do have a question:

Has anyone of you ever tried and succeeded in rooting a cutting from Edithcolea grandis? And how did you do it?

I ask this because I know that Edithcolea grandis does have a bad reputation when is comes to surviving the wintermonths in Europe. So I prefer not to bet on one horse, and getting several offshoots from this single plant might give some insurance to keep this clone going. But I read on a french forum (http://www.cactusland.fr/viewtopic.php? ... edithcolea) that they tend to be difficult to root from cuttings. So before I start to chop my plant smaller pieces, it would be nice to know beforehand if that isnt't going to work.
Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:14 pm
Location: Belgium, West Europe

Post by stanislas »

I found an answer myself by rooting a cutting of Edithcolea grandis myself.
The trick appears to be heat... I took a cutting, let it dry for two days and then put it in a grainy soil at 30-35°C and after one week it had already two 5mm roots!
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