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Post by Pat »

Can several different varieties co-exist in the same dish (8"-9" diameter)? Should I repot individually? I'm really a beginner here and need some input. Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Post by iann »

It can be done, but it presents difficulties. The plants may grow at different rates so one crowds out the others, or they might have different watering needs. Simplest to pot individually but if you know the plants are somewhat compatible you can create a nice multiple planting. Or you can create it anyway and expect to reorganise the dish in a year's time.
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Post by perrycornish »

Welcome Pat. That advice from iann sounds right to me :) We will look forward to hearing what you do.

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Post by daiv »

Hey Pat. Amy ought to give you some good feedback when she finds this post. She has put together quite a few "dish gardens" and seems to be quite successful.
All Cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are Cacti
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Post by daiv »

:occasion7: Oh yeah, CONGRATULATIONS Pat! You are member number 600! Unfortunately, it is a bit tough to hand out prizes for that. Still fun to have you join. :happy7:

All Cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are Cacti
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Post by Franj »

Hi Pat,

I agree with the others, but for me at least the only real no no has been planting cacti with the other succulents. The other succulents (Crassulas, Echeverias, Sedums) and the like can't seem to take as much light as the cacti need to do well. Though the combinations can sometimes be very pretty. What I have found works sometimes potted with cacti is some of the Euphorbias and dwarf Agaves. Similar desert dwelling plants.

With cacti you can sometimes do groupings of plants within the same genera such as Mammillarias. You could pot a small clumper or two with a Mamm that grows solitary and more columnar. Contrasting spine colors and growth habits seem to go well. What also works is plants of the same species in different sizes. One or two large ones and a couple smaller ones look like a cute family group.

Also, as you learn more about these plants you'll start to recognize which genera/species have similar needs and growth rates and are safe to plant together. It takes time and experience as well as research.

At any rate, no matter what you do, you will probably find that your container gardens will only take one or two seasons to become overcrowded or one plant dominates the whole group and the others don't do as well. I learned my lessons quickly about planting fast growing columnars with slow growing globulars.

For me though this isn't a real problem. The potting and re-potting and creating new arrangements is part of the fun in growing these plants. It's art of a sort. So you create something pretty and take some good pictures and down the road it doesn't look as nice anymore. So what. At least you've documented and appreciated it when it did look good. Take it apart in spring and create something new.

If I get a chance this weekend I'll build a gallery of pics of some of my past and present container gardens.

Good luck,

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Post by Pat »

I am so thankful to all of you for responding. My container garden was purchased in an airport and I don't know that these people know that much about it (as if I do). I've got one book for identification and have another on order along with potting soil. I'm happy that I've kept them alive this long and that I had a few little flowers in May but I do think it's time for individual containers for some of them. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again.
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Post by daiv »

Pat, I think that is a good move -with a little effort, you should be rewarded!
All Cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are Cacti
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