Haworthia Fasciata Bloom Offset

Multiplying your cacti vegetatively.
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Haworthia Fasciata Bloom Offset

Post by richs2k6 »

Not sure if this is a rarity or not but I can't find much information on it. My haworthia has bloomed at least three times in the past 6 months and on each of them a pup has formed about midway up. Yes, I get the small white flowers that continue along the bloom but before they start a pup has already started on the same bloom. The first couple I cut off and put on top of some soil and they never grew roots, they always looked exactly the same as the mother plant but no roots. I am determined to get this one rooted. From the attached pic you can see where I cut off the remainder of the bloom where the stem kept going and forming white flowers.
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Re: Haworthia Fasciata Bloom Offset

Post by Aiko »

I read about this as a way of propogation in one of the Haworthiad issues of the Haworthia Society.

Have you cut off the flower stalk while it was still in active growth, or already done flowering and dried out?
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Re: Haworthia Fasciata Bloom Offset

Post by richs2k6 »

I let it bloom all the way out until the flowers died and then cut the bloom from the offset going forward. So now there is a long green stem leading up to the offset which I am assuming is green because it's still delivering water to the offset. The stem coming OUT of the offset was cut and there is maybe a quarter inch left that is brown. I am assuming I can cut the stem leaving about an inch below the offset to heal and then stick it in the dirt and see what happens?
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Re: Haworthia Fasciata Bloom Offset

Post by esp_imaging »

Leave it attached to the mother plant as long as the stem to it is green. The offset will continue to grow and will have a a better chance of survival the bigger it is. It may even develop roots while still attached.
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