Help! My lithops suddenly started to wrinkle

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Help! My lithops suddenly started to wrinkle

Post by Lithopsculture »


I'm new to the wonderful world of lithops and bought 2 lithops 2months ago. They were placed by the south facing window. 2-3 hours of direct morning sun and bright shades for the rest of the day. The first lithops turned mouldy and melted away after a day Of rain. And I threw it away. That was a month ago. The second lithops was not affected at all and has been nice and firm. Love it!

I've started noticing this week that the second lithops became wrinkly. :( It has never been watered before and I made sure that it's surrounding area is very dry and very low humidity and lots of air movements. I have removed it from its original media to make sure that everything is ok. I've attached some pics.

I've read many online articles & forums,ubfortunately it gets quite confusing. We are at the end of summer now in Canada and the temperature does fluctuates a lot everyday(16 Celsius-21 Celsius). Mid summer at times reached 30 Celsius. I'm not sure if this helps,but, I've heard that this lithop of mine may have come from a nursery in South America, so I'm not too sure if the season difference between northern and Southern Hemispheres makes any differences to its growing cycle.

Please help! Is my lithop dying, just thirsty, or it is growing new leaves hence the wrinkle. Should I start watering, if so, should I water the soil only or from the leaves and the body (hmmm can these parts of the plant be wet)? Any advice from your experience would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you thank you thank you!
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Re: Help! My lithops suddenly started to wrinkle

Post by keith »

it is growing new leaves hence the wrinkle. Should I start watering, "

I think yes its growing new leaves and no don't water it until the new leaves are out and the old ones dried up. That would be next year.
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