A fresh start!

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A fresh start!

Post by thveigas »

As promised, here it is my tiny collection.

Some of them are with me for a while now (around 5 years or so), those are real survivors, at that time I managed to kill every cactus I had due to bad soil mix and incorret watering. Because of that, I gave up on growing them for a while, but I would never lost my passion for them.
By the end of october 2018 I decided to get back to cactus business but with the wrong foot, again... I was using the old sand and peat based soil, and of course they didn't like even a bit. Searching for a new soil for them, I just came across a lot of information of wonderfull materials, but nothing I could get locally, so I asked another brazilian what he was using and I was impressed at how easy it was to find materials to replace what I couldn't find here.

At the end, I'm using a pretty simple and cheap mix made of a type of granite and basalt gravel, crushed charcoal and bricks and a little of organic matter (20% or less) when it's needed. I never got such fast rooting and healthy growing plants before!

enough talking, here are some of them.
almost everybody.jpeg
almost everybody.jpeg (170.21 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
Mammillaria guelzowiana.jpeg
Mammillaria guelzowiana.jpeg (72.32 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
This one doubled in size is just two and a half month.
This one doubled in size is just two and a half month.
Echinocereus rigidissimus.jpeg (82.25 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
A recued plant. forgotten in a dark place in a nursery. tons of new roots coming out of the draining hole and a lot of activity on the top of it. I brought it home in the end of December.
A recued plant. forgotten in a dark place in a nursery. tons of new roots coming out of the draining hole and a lot of activity on the top of it. I brought it home in the end of December.
Melocactus sp..jpeg (105.61 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
One of my first plants, it's with me for 6 years now. It stopped it's growth about 2 years ago. But soon I changed his soil, it's growing pretty fast so far.
One of my first plants, it's with me for 6 years now. It stopped it's growth about 2 years ago. But soon I changed his soil, it's growing pretty fast so far.
stenocactus sp..jpeg (122.17 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
Mammillaria bocasana.jpeg
Mammillaria bocasana.jpeg (91.42 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
unlabeled Mammillaria at the left corner with it's friends.
unlabeled Mammillaria at the left corner with it's friends.
WhatsApp Image 2019-02-16 at 14.50.02.jpeg (99.01 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
family.jpeg (118.49 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
..jpeg (91.06 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
One month old Melocactus azureus seedlings.
One month old Melocactus azureus seedlings.
melocactus azureus.jpeg (70.74 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
My seeds, seedlings and cuttings table. Almost everything here were given to me by a friend I met here.
My seeds, seedlings and cuttings table. Almost everything here were given to me by a friend I met here.
seedlings.jpeg (106.02 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
WhatsApp Image 2019-02-16 at 14.50.06(1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2019-02-16 at 14.50.06(1).jpeg (111.48 KiB) Viewed 2368 times
And that's it, at least for now! I have a really young collection, but it seems like I'm on the right track this time. My next step is trying to germinate some seeds that I bought (some of them are a little bit complicated, but I'll give it a try) and I'll keep this topic updated everytime I have something going on in my collection!

Thanks for you attention. Any advice is welcome :roll:
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Re: A fresh start!

Post by mmcavall »

Nice to see your collection. Keep sharing!
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Re: A fresh start!

Post by gemhunter178 »

Very nice bunch of plants! Thanks for sharing!
A cactus and succulent collector who especially likes Ariocarpus. …Though I have a bit of everything! Want some pictures? See my flickr! I also do art and such.
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