Cacti Cuttings Moulding

Multiplying your cacti vegetatively.
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Cacti Cuttings Moulding

Post by cactiloving »

Hi. I’m looking for some tips or advice please?
I’ve had cacti for about 5 years now. My collection has expanded and all have thrived and grown amazingly. However, recently after one cactus started to rot whilst I was on holiday, I came back and decided I’d have to do my first cutting of a cactus to save it. I followed all instructions given on various sites online.
I waited until all baby cacti had calloused over thoroughly. Filled a pot with cactus potting mix. Watered it. And then placed cuttings in. Unfortunately though, after checking them today, approximately a week after potting, they’d gone extremely soggy, and some furry. It gives me the impression it had too much water, but besides he first initial soil dampening before potting, I haven’t watered it all.
I know I must be doing something incorrectly. If anyone has a propagating/re-rooting routine that works well for them, I’d be extremely appreciative. Of any idea where I’m going wrong also welcomed!
Thank you very much in advance
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Re: Cacti Cuttings Moulding

Post by Aloinopsis »

If they don't have roots, most cactus can't take up very much water. They can take up a tiny bit through their epidermis, but that's all. That's probably the problem.

Without seeing a pictures, I don't know whether the plant(s) is savable, but in the future, leave it completely dry until it forms roots. Or, if it shrivels excessively, mist it once or twice a week very, very, lightly. Most Cactus cuttings (except for epiphytes and some tropical species like Pereskias and Pereskiopsis) want to be dry or only very, very, slightly misted while they form new roots.
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