Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

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Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by mpetro »

A few months ago, I noticed my Cactus was wobbly in his pot. I'm not sure why exactly. I thought maybe I could try to repot him and spread his roots out more evenly.

Then, when I took him out to repot today, I noticed a white fuzz around a part of his roots right underneath his body, where the roots meet up in a bunch. So I have a few questions about this:

1) I'm thinking the fuzz is from watering with tap water? I didn't notice anything moving on him, and it's just this and one or two smaller fuzz patches, so I don't think it's bugs?
I bought a bottle of distilled water, which I'm hoping will be better? I've been waiting for rain because I hear that's best for them, but it hasn't rained in a while and doesn't seem like it will soon

2) How do I remove that white fuzz? Or should it stay on him? I was thinking giving him a soak, but am not sure if I should soak in just water or with something else?

3) Is it normal for that middle part of his roots to be bunched up right under him? I'm wondering if maybe there's thin roots all wrapped up in there, and soaking will help separate those, too? I tried using my fingers and a little stick, but couldn't separate that bunch. I figured that section was meant to be more tightly bound because it's directly underneath him, but I'm not sure.

Here's a photo of him now, that white fuzzy in the middle of that section of roots right under his body:
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And here I circled that white fuzzy:
PXL_20210114_154026256 circled.jpg
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I also noticed it looks like he has less roots than when I repotted him last March (2020). I didn't see many root pieces in the potting mix I dumped out, but maybe they were too thin to notice. My friend pointed out that he looks bigger, too. And looking at my photos from March, it does look like he has more green up top! So I'm wondering if what seems like root loss is just him being bigger up top?

This photo is from March:
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This photo is from today:
PXL_20210114_154330217.jpg (89.87 KiB) Viewed 3480 times
Do you think he's lost roots or is it just he's grown bigger? And any advice what to do about the white fuzzy?

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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by greenknight »

I remember this cactus, it was in sad shape when you first posted it. It's grown a lot, made a nice recovery.

It may have lost some roots, not a cause for concern. Cacti conserve moisture by casting off fine feeder roots during the dry season, they regrow quickly when moisture becomes available. The big roots look fine, no sign of root rot , so nothing to worry about on that point.

Now for the bad news - the white fuzzy looks like root mealybug. They don't move as adults, and the young crawlers are so tiny they're nearly invisible, so you wouldn't see anything moving. Luckily, you've caught it early.

It's often recommended to use a systemic insecticide for that, but it won't work during the dormant season - the plant has to be actively growing to take it up. I've had good success plunging the infested plants into an insecticidal soap solution until the soil is saturated with it - but you don't want to do that now, either.

I would dab the visible fuzz with isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). then soak the whole root system in hydrogen peroxide for about half an hour. Discard the old potting mix, and thoroughly wash the pot, drainage tray (you still using that mug?), and the surrounding area (you could rub it down with alcohol) to kill any crawlers that might be around.

Another method you could use would be a hot water bath, but that's a bit trickier - you have to get the temperature just right, hot enough to kill the bugs without cooking the cactus. You can read all about this and other methods of control in the Sick Cactus forum:

After the treatment, leave it bare root until the roots have dried, then pot it up with fresh potting mix.
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by mpetro »

Ok do I soak his roots in straight hydrogen peroxide or should I dilute it? And how do I keep his body from falling in it?

Yes I still use the mug as my drainage tray!

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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by greenknight »

Some recommend diluting to 1% peroxide, but many use the 3% peroxide that's sold as a disinfectant without diluting it - I think it's safe to use it. right out of the bottle.

You could either use a container slightly narrower than the body of the cactus, or a wider container with a couple sticks across the top to support the cactus, with rubber bands or string around the sticks to keep them from slipping apart. There was a picture posted in another thread of the latter method, but I can't find it now.
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by mpetro »

Ok so I soaked his roots and his bottom half (the yellow corked part). How do I know if I killed any of the bugs that were there? Or if there's more on his roots or on his body? He's a lighter yellow color on the bottom, I assume because of the peroxide?
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I also noticed a few months ago that where I accidentally pulled one of his tubercles out (from when I removed that flower that was glued on him about a year ago), that there's some black flecks there where the sap came out. I tried pulling those flecks off, but they're really stuck on there. Some sort of coating on top, I assumed those flecks were just dirt and that glazy coating was from milky sap covering it. I accidentally poked him with the tweezers when I tried to get those flecks, and a new bubble of white sap came out, so I stopped trying to get the flecks off. I thought maybe when I poked more sap off, those flecks got stuck on him more. Like maybe I could have gotten them off before, if I hadn't poked him...

I tried taking a photo, but it's tough to get that close without the camera losing focus. I can try again later if what I described doesn't make sense!

But now I worry if those flecks are bugs, too? They've been there a few months, so I thought if they were bugs, they wouldn't stay in one spot for so long?
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by mpetro »

Update: took some more close up photos, and it looks a lot darker than what I see with my eyes. And a lot more black flecks that I do not see with my eyes.
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This worries me. I also spotted a regular size bug crawling on the outside of the bowl I have my Cactus in. I'm not sure if that's a bug I brought in on my shoes (I had the bowl on the floor since I de-potted him) or if it was on the bowl when I had it in my kitchen or if it was already in my room from another day. I had my window sill re-sealed about a week ago, so maybe from the maintenance guy doing that...

Also I'm worried about seeing a bug in my room in general, I don't know what kind of bug this is (it's winter, so not a big bug season, either) 😳 Either way, why else would that bug be crawling near my Cactus if he was just wandering?
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I'm scared now 😭
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by greenknight »

I don't see anything to worry about. That bug doesn't resemble any cactus pest, maybe a click beetle - they're very common and sometimes they come in the house. Might have been attracted to the cactus by the moisture.

The black flecks may be just more dried sap you didn't notice before. When you look closely, you often find a lot of spots and scars you never noticed before. Unless something is growing or multiplying, don't worry about it.

The peroxide bath should have taken care of the root mealybugs, but check the roots again about a month into the growing season to be on the safe side. They don't spread all that fast, but since they grow out of sight people often don't discover them until there are so many they're making the plant sick. Since you caught it early, you're way ahead of the game.

To get the roots spread out well when you pot it, make a mound of potting mix in the middle of the pot, spread the roots over that, then finish filling the pot. If you don't have a cool place to winter your cactus, best to give it just a little bit of water maybe once a month (wait until it's had time for the roots to heal before giving any water). Not a real soaking - you don't want to stimulate growth this time of year - just a little dribble, maybe a couple tablespoons full. That will help keep it from casting off roots, so it will start into growth quicker in the spring.

Don't be scared - your cactus is tough. He went through some very hard times, then took of growing like a weed as soon as you got him properly potted. He's a survivor. :pirate:
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by mpetro »

Thanks! So I don't water as much to let it go through the drainage holes like before? Or just enough to let it peep out the drainage holes, but not so much as before when it would drip out the holes?

It also makes me happy that you recognize my Cactus 🥰
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by greenknight »

Not enough water that it come out the drain holes - you want it to still be pretty dry. Before water comes out the drain holes it completely saturates the soil. That would be bad when the cactus isn't actively growing, the soil would stay wet for a long time and it could cause root rot. If it did take up that much water, it would probably start growing, also not good - you want it to stay dormant this time of year.

If the potting mix is damp, wait a month before giving it a dribble of water. Another month, and it will be spring, might be time to increase watering depending on your climate - where are you located?

I'll never forget that cactus - poor little shrunken thing, with his roots all wrapped up in a wad, then it turned out to have a huge root system when you untangled it. It was amazing!
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by mpetro »

I'm in NYC (Queens). I've moved around a few times since I came to NYC a little over two years ago. My current apartment, the window is facing other windows in my apartment and neighboring apartments. So he only gets indirect sunlight from an above angle, since my window doesn't face an open street. I'm on the top floor (3rd floor), so he gets more sun than if I lived in lower apartments. But I think because it's less sun and even more indirectly than my previous homes, I should look into grow lights to supplement the sun light during growing season.

One of my best friends really enjoys following my Cactus's journey. Maybe you can join his fan club :lol: :lol:

Here's my Cactus freshly potted today:
jan 2021.jpg
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Re: Cactus Root Bunches, White Fuzz, and Root Loss?

Post by greenknight »

So that bug found its way to the third floor? Hmmm - well, most beetles can fly.

supplemental light does sound like a good idea. Doesn't need to be a special grow light, a warm-white LED spot light, around 3000K color temperature, would be perfect. Like this: ... 63&sr=8-11

I'm not recommending that one in particular, that's just an example - they're widely available these days. A simple light fixture, like a clamp light or something, and a small electronic timer, and you're good to go.
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