Astrophytum flecks...can be removed?

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Astrophytum flecks...can be removed?

Post by Neiluj »

So, I'm pretty partial to Astrophytums, and as a result I've collected quite a few plants. I'm reaching that plant saturation point where I'm starting to get random problems here and there, and one of these problems was a mild case of mealybugs and scale.

This prompted me to start checking my other plants to make sure none of these bugs spread, and upon my surprise, I found that my Astrophytum Tricostatum's flecks came off. This immediately made me suspect that these weren't flecks at all, but some type of bug (the plant also has been pretty stagnant in its growth this year).

Checking my other plants, I realized that ALL my flecked Astrophytum's flecks can come off with a bit of rubbing. So...I'm taking this as a hint that I guess these flecks are removable? If that's on earth do you folks manage to spot scale on these plants?!

(If you couldn't tell, I'm still new to the hobby :roll: )
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Re: Astrophytum flecks...can be removed?

Post by HudsonLH »


The flecking patterns on astrophytums are not supposed to come off when you rub them. Please post pictures - they will be helpful.

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Re: Astrophytum flecks...can be removed?

Post by Aiko »

Actually, they are easy to rub off. If you really want to. But why would you want this?
Be aware, they will not grow back. It will leave a bald spot for years to come.
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Re: Astrophytum flecks...can be removed?

Post by DaveW »

Yes the flecking is a characteristic of Astrophytim's, though there are a few green "nude" varieties. As Aiko says why would you want to denude a plant anyway? You may be best to dab anything you think maybe a bug with an artists paint brush dipped in rubbing alcohol. If the plant is growing you could also use a systemic insecticide watered into the pot, or use one of the spray on pistol grip container type insecticides.

It can be quite easy to damage some cacti. With some you can rub the areole off complete with spine cluster, but that ruins the look of the plant. Therefore be careful you don't deliberately disfigure your plants, because being slow growers it can take years before the damage hides itself.
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Re: Astrophytum flecks...can be removed?

Post by Neiluj »

Thanks for all the replies, folks. Just to clarify the last thing I want to do is remove the flecks, but I had a mild case of mealy bugs and I wanted some way to differentiate plant flecks vs. mealies. This way I could remove the bugs, and not the flecks. The alcohol is a great idea, thanks for the suggestion Dave. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on who you ask) systemic insecticide is outlawed in Canada for non-commercial use. Certainly makes pest management more challenging.
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