Winter watering of succulents

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Winter watering of succulents

Post by Cactiboi »

I have gasteria, hawthoria, euphorbia (succulent) and aloes. They are kept in my apartment where it is warm all winter. Do I cut back on the watering or continue to water because they are kept warm in winter?
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Post by templegatejohn »


Gasterias, Haworthias and Aloes are from the Southern hemisphere and they tend to keep to the growing cycle of that part of the world. So to a degree part of their growth period is our early winter. Coupled with the fact that you say they are in a warm environment. I would continue to water them, but not to excess. I would suggest one third the amount you normally give them and if you watered them once a week, make it once a fortnight. Your plants would survive considerably longer without water, so it should not be a problem.

All the above plants would prefer some shade in the summer, but in winter give them as much natural daylight as you can provide.

The Euphorbia is a different type of 'animal' and depending upon its size, if it were mine I would perhaps water it once a month, but just enough water to dampen the compost, do not soak it.

Hope this is of help to you.

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