Hana's grafting 2022/2023

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Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

I use 15 cm length off-shoots of Pereskiopsis as grafting stocks.
4 off-shoots were cut and set for the rooting in this morning. I will graft seedlings 4 days later.

I use small devices for the preparation of stocks.

1. A bar with 15 cm wire
Since Pereskiopsis has fine spines, 15cm length is measured by this device and cut an off-shoot bit longer by a scissors.

2. Cutting-bar
Recut off-shoot accurately by a knife using this cuttug-bar. Red-line is 15cm from the end.
Devices for stock preparation
Devices for stock preparation
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

I grafted 4 seedlings in this morning.
Scions are ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla, 2~3 mm in diameter.
The grafting completion needs 10 more days.
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

I grafted 4 more godzilla seedlings in this morning.
I have planned to graft 24 in total and so I have to graft 16 more.
Unfortunately Pereskiopsis is not vigorous enough currently and so I have to wait available stocks.
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

The grefting process for 4 scions which were grafted on 7th was completed in this morning.
The result was very bad. I am sure 2 are taken but other are not.
Water was kept on the bottom of plastic box but the temperature was not high enough to evaporate.
I think a lack of humidity in the box made this result.

I will restart grafting when the temperature became higher.
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

My latest post has disappeared. I post it again.

The grafting process of 4 scions which were grafted on 14th was completed. All of them were taken well.
6 off-shoots of Pereskiopsis were set as grafting stocks.

The photo is one of scions grafted on 7th.
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

6 scions, Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzillas were grafted in this morning.
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

The grafting process of 6 scions, Ariocarpus fissuratus cv Godzillas were completed in this morning.
They were grafted on 28th November. All of them were taken.

Additional 13 scions, Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzillas were also grafted in this morning.
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

Upated photo of grafted scion which is an Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
The scion was grafted on 7th November.
Upated photo of grafted scion
Upated photo of grafted scion
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

The grafting process of 3 godgilla seedlings was completed in this morning. They were repotted into 90 mm square pots.
I grafted 24 godzilla seedlings plus 2 extras in total in this season.
The grafting result in this season was not good. I could make more than 95% success rate before but it was around 80% in this season.
Because of above reason, I made 2 extras.

12 pots are possible to accommodate in a plastic pad. They are in 2 pad.
Pots are called "Olive pot" in here and depth is 180 mm.

The photo is grafted 24 seelings of ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla in 2 plastic pads.
Grafted A. fissuratus cv godzilla seedlings
Grafted A. fissuratus cv godzilla seedlings
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

3 seelings of Ariocarpus retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower were grafted in this morning. I planned to graft 6 seedlings but I could graft just 3. Since seedlings were very small, I could not keep my concentration for enough time grafting 6.
I will graft remained 3 tomorrow.

I graft seedlings onto Pereskiopsis offshoot cuttings. They are very vigorous and pushing many offshoots up currently.

The attached photo is Pereskiopsis with many offshoots.
Pereskiopsis with offshoots
Pereskiopsis with offshoots
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

Updated photo of one of scions which was grafted in this season
The scion is Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla.
A. fissuratus cv godzilla
A. fissuratus cv godzilla
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

The grafting process of 6 seedlings which were grafted 9th and 10th in this month was completed in this morning.
Unfortunately one of them was failed. Since seedlings were small, the result was not too bad.
It seems scions have grown a bit during the grafting process.

The photo is one of them, Ariocarpus retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower.
A. retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower
A. retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

Updated photos of scions
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
IMG_2738 - Copy.JPG (120.11 KiB) Viewed 10364 times
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
IMG_2739 - Copy.JPG (105.22 KiB) Viewed 10364 times
A. retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower
A. retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

The grafting process of 6 scions, Ariocarpus retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower was completed in this morning.
One of them is shown on photo 1.

6 scions, Ariocarpus retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri cauliflower were also grafted in this morning.
Some scions were shown on photo 2.
Photo 1
Photo 1
IMG_2752 - Copy.JPG (85.35 KiB) Viewed 10310 times
Photo 2
Photo 2
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Re: Hana's grafting 2022/2023

Post by Hanazono »

Grafted scions have grown vigorously. Some of scions have formed off-sets.
Ariocarpus retusus cv Suguri cauliflower
Ariocarpus retusus cv Suguri cauliflower
IMG_2768 - Copy.JPG (120.65 KiB) Viewed 10021 times
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
Ariocarpus fissuratus cv godzilla
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My favorite cacti photos are in Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/146109677@N06/albums/
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