Little green spiders on cactus.. Need Help.

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Little green spiders on cactus.. Need Help.

Post by stormer88 »

I have these little green spider looking bugs on the sides of my cactus pots and I found a few crawling up my cactus at times. The eggs look like specks of white stuff. Does anyone know what they are? How I could kill them?

I've recently had a spider might problem I've been using soap to fix it's worked pretty well but these little green bugs I'm worried about because I can't find where they are coming from. I'm hoping it's not the roots.
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Post by hegar »

It is very hard, if not impossible, to come to a valid identification of your insect? The color green could be indicative of an aphid, a stinkbug nymph, or various other creatures. Most likely, the same treatment that reduced your spider mites (insecticidal soap) will also take care of this problem.
If you do have a plant nursery nearby or an extension service, you might want to get these insects identified. However, if your goal is to get rid of them, either the soap treatment or an insecticide may be applied. If you were to use a systemic insecticide you would get protection from insect damage for quite some time to come. Otherwise you will have to treat at intervals of maybe 14 days, first to kill the adults or nymphs (larvae) and then to kill those freshly hatched from the eggs. Some types of oil treatments will also suffocate the eggs, but they may affect the appearance of your plant.

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Post by stormer88 »

I'll try and get a picture up. I've tried to kill them when I see them but the problem is I don't no where they are coming from. They seem to be most prevalent on the edges of the cactus containers. They are a little larger than spider mights and they are a bright green color. It's an unusually bright color than I've seen of other insects. I've found a few that look like they were eggs but shaped like the adults but white. It looks like they dies before maturing. I've let a spider create a web among a couple of my cactus and it's web has caught a bunch of these creatures. Lately I've been flicking as many as I find onto the web for spider food.

it doesn't seem to be affecting my cactus yet. I have found a few crawling up the sides of the cactus but mostly they are on the sides of the pots and a few in the dirt. I'm hoping they aren't living on the roots. I've never seen root bugs before so I wouldn't know.

I'll post a pic tomorrow. Thanks for the reply.
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Post by stormer88 »

I checked the cactus again and they were all over it. It seems like they are eating the cactus inside out. There are some bumps on it. I had to cut my bridgesii. I'm hoping I can save them. They seem to lay their eggs on the soil and then crawl up the sides of my cactus. They are little spider looking creatures that are green and they seem to love the tops of the cactus. I've been using soap to brush them off but they keep comeing back and covering the sides of the pots.

Does anybody know what this might be and if I can possibly stop them? Are they inside the cactus? There seem to be little bumps on the sides but they are not mushy. Yet.
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Post by daiv »

This is quite different than any that I've read about or encountered. I'm very interested in seeing a picture.
All Cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are Cacti
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