Perskiopsis and Loph ID help Please

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Perskiopsis and Loph ID help Please

Post by stormer88 »

I have a bunch of new cuttings that were bought as Pereskiopsis Sp. but look like something else. I only need them for grafting seedlings so I'm guessing by the looks of them they should be fine. I'm just curious what they might be. Hase anyone experience with them.

One set as black thorns on them. I'm thinking they could be Pereskia but I could be wrong. I've never seen a Pereskia up close.

I also have what i beleive to be Lophophora Williamsii Caesipitosa grafted to Pereskiopsis. It's rather big and has a couple pups. It's just beginning to flower. Pink. I'm new with loph collecting but it looks very similar to L Fricci. Is this just from bloating? Either way I'm happy. Just for diversity's sake.


Sold as Pereskiopsis sp. cutting. Not sure what it is??


Sold as Pereskiopsis sp. Rooted specimens. Also not sure what it is??


L W Caesipitosa on the left, Right is L W Texana, and bottom is L W Caesipitosa? Maybe Frici??(flowering)

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Post by phil_SK »

Definitely Pereskiopsis.
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Post by Lewis_cacti »

yep, thats pereskiopsis alright. the specimen in the second pic has very thick leaves though.
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Post by stormer88 »

Yeh I figured Pereskiopsis. I'm just not sure what type of Peresk they are. They both seem to be another type of Peresk other than Sp. I thought maybe the 2nd one might be pereskiopsis velutina. It's the one that has black thorns. I kind of like this type better than Pereskiopsis Sp. At least I won't get those little white Peresk sp. stickers in my thumbs.

The first one I have no idea. I also noticed the leaves are much to big to be peresk sp. The stems also seems to be quite skinny. I hope grafting won't be a problem with it.

It's kind of nice to have more than one kind of Peresk since I have so many Pereskiopsis sp. Each time I make a graft I get more and more to root. This way I have many cuttings from the different kinds that usually aren't available.
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Post by Loph »

they can vary a LOT jsut with sun light. i grow some under flouro light and they have paper thin leaves that are skinny as well....their stems stay skinny as well. outside in hot full sun for 14 hours a day they end up with super fat leaves like your second photo and eventually have thicker stems....with age, the spines can grow pretty long!

for your lophs the top left sure looks like a caespitosa.

the others are hard to say. get a clear top view. texanis is pretty impossible to tell with 100% certainty as it is still a L. williamsii. so you need to trust your source. Fricii you will be able to tell from the a pic of an open flower and we should be able to say. there are flower pics in the loph guide at the top if you want to take a look.
Stephen Robert Irwin: 22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006. Rest In Peace.
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Post by stormer88 »

Thanks, I was just wondering because I know they had Fricii. I thought maybe it got switched by accident. Which would of been no problem. The Fricii was actually listed as costing more than the Caesipitosa. After I get a few more Williamsii specimens I'd like to move to Diffusa and other Loph variations.

I'm pretty sure it's just as labeled. Caesipitosa. but it would of kind of been nice to have a Fricii for diversity. I'll post pics when it flowers fully.

The top two I was already sure about. I just had them in the pic when posting the Peresk graft. I really like the non bloated look of the columnar graft. I'd like to move my other Peresk grafts to columnar specimens when they get bigger. I don't have the confidence or knowledge to do it correctly yet. I'll have to study your grafting tek better. There is also a good grafting vid on youtube. You should think about making a grafting vid "Loph".

I have my other Pereskiopsis in full sun and just as you said the stems have really gotten fat. I've just never seen dark black rose type thorns as in the 2nd pic. Or fat leaves like the first. I've been looking for pics of pereskiopsis velutina. But haven't found any closeups.

Thanks for the help
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