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Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:56 am
by majcka
Robb wrote:do you know any usful websites?
That is one of them. If you search a bit, you'll find something." onclick=";return false;

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:32 pm
by Robb
Great! soo many cacti. Where do you find the zone 9 cacti?

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:14 pm
by iann
Although you might think Christchurch is fairly dry, the averages I'm looking at show a definite preference for rain in the winter. One source lists 70 days of ground frost each year, that's probably as many as I get here although your rainfall is a little lower. Another source says Christchurch is USDA zone 9, which implies that most winters it won't get to 20F (-7C) but it will drop below 30F (-1C) at least once.

Check out the Mesa Garden website and look for species tagged as "16" indicating safe to -7C which gives you some margin for being wet. Then narrow that list down some more based on moisture tolerance. There are plenty of plants hardy to -30C which won't survive outdoors here and probably won't survive outdoors for you either.

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:33 pm
by Robb
Ok will try that

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:38 pm
by Cool Potter
Hi Rob,

I live in Tasmania with pretty much the same temp as you and much the same problems. Most cacti I find I can grow if I'm a step ahead of the weather. I have a stack of tea towels I throw over the plants I think sensitive when it's needed. I have flowering golden barrel cacti and tall flowering specimens that live among paving stones and which are sheltered by a three sided court yard that faces North. If you think it would help, I'd be happy to run around a get a list of the things that grow well here. If you look on the forum and search for my cool potter tag you can possibly see some pics of the outdoor plants I've sent which have no cover, and I could take some pics of the sheltered sections which would be quicker if you still think this would help. I know what you mean about the sudden drop of temp and this is my major problem too. I keep an eye on the BOM reports and follow these accordingly!

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:13 pm
by Harriet
I live Central Florida, a solid but wet zone 9. Growing cacti in the ground here is less about the occasional cold weather than it is about wet feet. I was surprised to discover how very cold it gets in many areas that have native cacti. Doing the research to find plants that will grow in your area, and then finding those plants, are the most difficult, but interesting and fun parts of your project. The only real "problem" I have had is finding cacti that are large enough to show up in an outdoor bed. That is why I supplement my beds with aloe, agave, yucca and other succulents that lend height and interest while I wait for my cacti to grow.

My best advice is:
Be sure to prepare your bed well.
Be prepared to experiment with different types of cacti.
Be prepared to become a plant killer, not everything you plant will make it.
Have fun with it.

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:33 pm
by Robb
Cool Potter wrote:Hi Rob,

I live in Tasmania with pretty much the same temp as you and much the same problems. Most cacti I find I can grow if I'm a step ahead of the weather. I have a stack of tea towels I throw over the plants I think sensitive when it's needed. I have flowering golden barrel cacti and tall flowering specimens that live among paving stones and which are sheltered by a three sided court yard that faces North. If you think it would help, I'd be happy to run around a get a list of the things that grow well here. If you look on the forum and search for my cool potter tag you can possibly see some pics of the outdoor plants I've sent which have no cover, and I could take some pics of the sheltered sections which would be quicker if you still think this would help. I know what you mean about the sudden drop of temp and this is my major problem too. I keep an eye on the BOM reports and follow these accordingly!
it would be great if you could get a list of plants that grow well in your area!

Probably will delay the garden till next spring, There are SO many things to be done around here

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:16 am
by Cool Potter
I live in Tasmania, just across the ditch from you! My cactus garden thrives, though I have to make allowances for strong winds and frost. I plant each cactus with a surrounding of strong rocks which stop the wind and frost and deter animals. We are also on the coast and they don't seem to worry about a salty environment. I have Golden Barrel cacti which flowered this year and more should flower next year. The taller varieties, like the Peruvianus, Oreocereus and the Espostoa have enough protection from their spines and hairy surfaces to combat most of the cold winter. We don't have snow, so I can't advise about that!

Some cacti suffer a bit at first, but adjust the next year. Sudden drop in temperature seems to be our worst problem, but you can usually determine the weather and throw teatowels over those plants with bare and soft looking surfaces. Plant larger Agaves around the outsides of your beds and then the Cordylines further out. These help with keeping frost damage to a minimum and make a good backdrop. I know you wrote a year ago, but maybe this will still help you if you are having problems. I could give you a list of what works here if it would help.

Re: cactus garden in new zealand

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:25 am
by Robb
sorry to get back to your post so late cool potter :shock: I would like to thank you for your very handy advice,
cheers Robb 8)