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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:17 pm
by Aiko
C And D wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:56 pm Conophytum pageae is expensive because it's easy to kill, like I did to all mine
Maybe it is too warm in winter where you are?

Up here I had it in flower on very dull November days (well, it flowered at night so that is extra dull of course) when temperatures were probably not far from freezing. I guess there is a reason why it flowers in November and not in September or October, when night temperatures are still higher and daytime temperatures certainly are when the sun is still shining and lifting the temperature in the greenhouse up a lot.

I don't have trouble with this one, unlike some other mesembs like Diplosoma. I guess C. pageae likes it cool and does not mind dull gloomy winter days.

Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:43 am
by C And D
Now that I have moved inland to Orange, so many of the plants that I used to struggle with are now growing like never before.

The seasons are more pronounced, hotter summers, colder winters, but since it's Southern California, we have warm spells every other week
Today's flowers
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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:56 pm
by keith
I get dry winds all Winter cactus don't care but Winter growers need water unless it decides to rain.

Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:27 am
by C And D
Unknown White flowered Conophytum bilobum
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Dinteranthus and Lapidaria, Thanksgiving day, 2020
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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:32 am
by C And D
Early bulb fun

My Albuca unifolia x scabrocostatum hybrid
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this one is the first one to divide, looks like a mutant
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the real Albuca unifolia, ~15 years old
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Albuca vilosa
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Lachenalia ensifolia
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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:56 am
by C And D
I sometimes do the right thing and take pictures of a plant before I dissect it / strip it of leaves, hoping to save a specimen plant in the end

Adromischus marianae, textured green beans with red tips
a type of "immaculatus"
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Adromischus hallii "Clonotype UCB"
we call it hallii grey form
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A. marianae
"Moon Camp" ARM
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A. herrei hybrid "Pink Slipper"
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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:21 am
by C And D
This is a very slow growing plant
I took some small cuttings last year and then lost them, most likely I threw them out not recognizing that the tiny scrappy twigs were not trash
Avonia mallei
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Eulophia species
the tag is gone
a type of orchid
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the flowers
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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:07 am
by C And D
You don't see these everyday

Eriospermum paradoxum
From seed 2013
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Eriosperma cervicorne
2008, just sprouting from dormancy
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This plant was on my most wanted list for years
Last winter, Carl Fredricks sent me a care package with more of them than I can ever imagine
Trachyandra tortilis,
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edit; They produced seeds!!

It may take some special cultivation techniques to get my plants to look like this plant in a photo from a google search
not my plant
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Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:26 am
by Aiko
C And D wrote: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:32 am another photo of Antimima verruculosa,
Have you made the photo? I noticed the photo has been used on the site ... hteri.html, but then used the name Cheiridopsis schlechteri for it...

Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:21 am
by C And D
Thanks for the tip

sad that the seeds they are selling are not even the same as the plant in the photo

Not a Cheiridopsis schlechteri, but Antimima ventricosa

and the same photo In the Succulentguide ... ventricosa

Not much I can do, hope them well.

Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:23 pm
by C And D
Lavrania haagnerae
with Flowers
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Love Orange flowers
Denise found this Lampranthus at a garden shop
Plan on planting a hillside with it
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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 10:30 am
by RorBurg56
That orange is truly dazzling

Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:21 pm
by C And D
Mestoklema arborescens
I got these about 10 years ago from a collector that past on.
They are wild collected, and the caudex was sawed off at the base and re-rooted.
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Not sure why it's sideways??

The flowers are very attractive to native bees and flies
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I lost most of my Jensenobotrya lossowiana after the move 2 years ago
Finally I have one with some good growth and flowering.
The description of this plant describes fat stems, but in reality, the stems are super thin and break under the lightest stress
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Avonia alstonii
The buds reach for the sky in the late afternoon heat, then go limp soon after.
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The flowers usually open for only one day, and I'm pretty sure they need a mate for seed production.
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Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:29 am
by MikeInOz
Beautifully plants and beautifully grown!

Re: C and D's Succulents

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:33 pm
by C And D
Late winter flowers

Conophytum khamiesbergense
unlike all other Conos, it flowers in March, more like a Gibbaeum
Love the head texture
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Aloinopsis setifera
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Schwantesia marlothii
extra toothy form
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Gibbaeum heathii
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Drosanthemum speciosum
Pretty Red Flowers
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Juttadinteria kovismontana
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