What is this?

Trouble shoot problems you are having with your cactus.
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What is this?

Post by hoven5th »

I recently purchased a cutting (Trichocereus pachanoi) from an online source and after potting it, I noticed this abrasion. It's possible it could have been there when I got it, but I don't remember seeing it. I know they can split with too much water, but because it's a cutting with no roots, I find it difficult to believe that this could have happened in the short time i've had it. Anyway, any advice on what, if anything, to do with it?Image
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Post by Silenus »

Small cuts like that can happen from it rubbing against the spines of another cutting. The places you order most cuttings of those from don't care much for the appearance usually, it's no big deal though it will grow fine and that cut will soon be forgotten.
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Post by iann »

It does look like it split from inflating too much but it could also just be a cut. Its not going to kill the thing unless you keep it nice and wet until it rots :evil: It won't go away though, its just another mark that will become less noticeable as time goes by ...
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Post by hegar »

To me it looks like you are having a problem that could become worse than a split. To the left of the injury there seem to be armored scale insects. There is a specific cactus pest that does have a dirty white cover with a yellow-brownish exuvium more or less in its center. Underneath this cover you should find a soft-bodied flattened greatly modified yellowish insect without wings or legs. Please go ahead and if you do spot what I believe is present, take a probe (needle) and gently push the scale cover off to view the insect beneath it. If the spot is solid and does not flake off you only do have a healed circular injury on your hands. If it is indeed an armored scale I would start a treatment with a systemic insecticide as soon as possible and also take a good look at your other plants.
I do hope that your plant(s) is (are) not infested with this pest, because it is not very easy to control and eliminate.

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Post by hoven5th »

Thanks for the heads-up. I took a look when I got home from work and they aren't insects, they're part of the plant. Now that I'm inspecting more closely, the plant is pretty beat up, lots of scars and marks, and another abrasion but smaller.
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