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Rion greenhouses?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:22 am
by froggy
Im looking to buy or build a 8 by 12 foot greenhouse for my cacti this year and i was wondering if any of you guys have experience with Rion or any other kits?
I was considering building my own with a 4x4 frame and using clear polycarbonate on the roof and frosted on the sides (i don't want people to look in side because i live next to an apartment building and i've had plants stolen before).
I am planning on using shade cloth for the whole thing since the sun here burns my plants every year haha.
Any thoughts or ideas for me?

Thanks, Sean.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:19 am
by daiv
I am quite happy with my "homemade" greenhouse. You can see the build in this section. Scroll down to "I'm going to build a greenhouse" post. I built a 14 x 8 so very similar to what you're thinking.

Just be sure you have good eaves and vents.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:26 am
by dustin0352
Awsome! I remember being in this stage. I think it all boils down to how confident you are in your building from scratch skills, or you following assembly instruction skills. With a few minor thing to think about also: 1 if you build your own you can customize it how ever you want, 2 you can build it with the materials you want. Rion greenhouses I'm told are of great German enginering quality. I believe CoronaCactus has a rion. but with all green house kits there is minimal customization within the design. When I was going through this stage I really wanted the rion 8X12 but finacials just wouldnt allow it. I ended up getting the smaller 6x8 easy grow green house, which I think is great! Its smaller than what I needed but nothing a few extra shelves wont handle, also was about $2000 less.

Any way you go I'm sure you will be happy, and I cannot wait to see build pics!! GOOD LUCK!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:28 pm
by king_hedes
dont mean to steal your post but i was wondering whats a good place to put it
is more morning sun or evening sun or as much sun as you can

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:36 pm
by dustin0352
I'd say go with a spot that gets the most sun. you can always shade it if necessary, but you cant add sun.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:36 pm
by CoronaCactus
Yup, we have a Rion 8 x 16' and would give it a thumbs up. The kits have a massive amount of parts but once you get in the groove it's not difficult at all. I built ours alone and almost all in one night. I did have help with the foundation and lifting the roof section on.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:10 pm
by daiv
CoronaCactus wrote:Yup, we have a Rion 8 x 16' and would give it a thumbs up. The kits have a massive amount of parts but once you get in the groove it's not difficult at all. I built ours alone and almost all in one night. I did have help with the foundation and lifting the roof section on.
And there is a step-by-step of this process here:


Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:31 pm
by CoronaCactus

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:27 am
by froggy
Thanks guys.
I read both of those before and the shade house is almost exactly what im thinking of building.
But we got a ton of snow here so I was going to put a roof with an angle like daiv's greenhouse.
I am also really lazy so I have an idea for removing snow. I was going to use this stuff (random website not the actual stuff I'll be using)
I can get it locally cheap.
So I would just run a few of those on the roof in a zig zag configuration and when I look at the forcast if it will snow that night ill turn it on.
Than way I dont haft to hurt myself trying to shovel it off.
The reason I'm doing a 8 by 12 is because with that size I wont need any building permits other wise I would defiantly buy a 8 by 16 footer like Corona Cactus's and even then I'd wind up needing another :lol: :lol: .
I was looking at lexan sheets for the roof and they cost WAY to much so I think I'll use the clear stuff like daiv did and use corrugated on the walls or maybe film on the walls for now.
Any ways I still have alot of planning and fund raising to do before I start anything.
I usually take my plants out on the may 24 weekend since its a holiday and I have extra time And the weather is usually nice by then.
I think I'll start building the second week of may and hopefully have the entire thing done in 2 or 3 days.

Thanks, Sean.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:37 am
by froggy
When I red the greenhouse one Corona Cactus posted I followed the link and came upon the discussion of digging down a few feet for more head room. I think this is ideal for my situation so I may attempt it
it will be a lot of digging but I'm unemployed and can get friends to do just about anything for enough beer :lol: .
My estimate for the time it will take to build just jumped 10 days haha....
I also want to put a "raised bed" in a sense in. More like a giant planter box without a bottom though that will go right into the ground.
Was hoping to put a big Echinocactus grusonii and my specimen Agave parryi var. truncata and 2 foot wide Aloe in it aswell. But i think the tubers may get out of control. Any one have any thoughts? Theres a nursery here that did it and now the wall that is made of bricks looks like it has agave and Aloe for mortar haha :lol: .
Though I'm not sure the Rion greenhouse would work for this so building my own is becoming more appealing.

Thanks, Sean.

Re: Rion greenhouses?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:00 am
by froggy
So i havent been around this website in a long time. Heres how the last 2 years went in a couple sentences. We moved to a farm and during the move i lost mostly all my plants to spidermite and rot. From around 10000 plants tootal with seedlings i had around 500 left and all were damaged. I now have more (raised a good bunch from seed last year) and a greenhouse is once again in the works.
We bought a rion HG24. Im currently debating how to set it up but once its done ill post a few pictures. The measurements are 8'6" wide by 24'10" long by 6 foot high and its going on a foundation for more headroom.

Ill keep everything updated as much as i can.

Thanks, Sean.

Re: Rion greenhouses?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:29 pm
by daiv
Hey Sean,
Good to hear the update. sorry for the losses, but sounds like a bright future ahead?!?

The greenhouse sounds like a nice size. Let me say that you sure won't regret putting it up on a foundation as you mentioned for more height. Mine is 8' at the eaves and the headroom is great - especially for keeping the hottest air up at the top and off the plants. The eaves of mine are open so the heat can vent out that way. Your model has the built in roof vents so you are golden from that perspective.

Do post pics when you can!