Question on too happy Cereus Peruvianus

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Question on too happy Cereus Peruvianus

Post by hjschlegel »

About a year ago I purchased a rather large Cereus Peruvianus (single stalk) which resides in our living room. My research indicated that it was adaptable to indirect sunlight, it receives quite a bit of ambient light as there are many SW facing windows but as it's on the opposite side of the room it doesn't get much direct sun. My initial concern was that it would adapt. This spring/summer it has grown over a foot and now stands approximately 8-1/2 ft tall. While I'm pleased that it's happy I'm now concerned that it has only about 2-1/2 ft to go before it reaches the vaulted ceiling! There isn't really another viable location to move it to if that should happen and I would be left with the undesirable option of cutting it back. I've been watering it once a month since spring (not at all in the winter) and lightly fertilized once. Apart from not giving it fertilizer are there any measures I can take to slow it's growth while still promoting its health? Will this cactus be likely to peak out before it hits the ceiling? I understand that cutting it back would likely eventually result in one or more stalks of regrowth but I'd rather avoid doing that.

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Post by daiv »

I can't offer you any other solutions than to cut the top off and re-root it as a new plant. This plant should hit about 20 feet tall and have a huge crown (many branches) at maturity. It will keep growing until then. Anything that totally prevents growth will eventually kill it.

All Cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are Cacti
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Bill in SC
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Post by Bill in SC »

Send it to me!! I have 12 foot ceilings!! :-)
Bill in SC
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Post by DieTer-Xz »

It's always a shame to cut large plants... But there's no other choice. That's the disadvantage of those ceroids (and Opuntia!), especially the fast growers.
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Post by Franj »

Hi Jay,

Well if it's growing about 12" a year it sounds like you have 2-1/2 more years to worry about it :lol:

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