Keeping Agave geminiflora healthy

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Keeping Agave geminiflora healthy

Post by Lair3514 »

I read the following advice regarding Agaves:
Debris should be removed regularly and kept to a minimum. Otherwise it decomposes and rots right on the surface of the leaf, causing lesions of dead tissue and infection that can lead ultimately to the death of the plant.
Agave_g_IMG_4165_1.jpg (71.37 KiB) Viewed 915 times
I can usually manage to remove bigger leaves, scraps of paper, and dried-up weeds that blow into Agave geminiflora. However, the little leaflets that blow in from neighbor's mesquite tree (and other small debris), I cannot get at. Do I let them be and risk possible future infection? Is hosing the plant down a good solution or would that just encourage rot? I would appreciate suggestions. Thanks.
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Melt In The Sun
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Re: Keeping Agave geminiflora healthy

Post by Melt In The Sun »

A good strong hose spray should blast that stuff out. I would try and remove it that way, and if it didn't work I wouldn't stress about it.
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