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About the Free For All Page

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:48 am
by daiv
Created by popular demand! Now you can share things about yourself beyond just cacti with your other friends here in the community.

Please remember to keep the content clean and always, always be polite. There are school groups that use this website for their school projects -keep that audience in mind. In other words -keep this forum rated "G".

Keep in mind also that certain subjects are off limits because of they fuel fierce debates in this sort of environment. People are much more bold behind a computer and often dispose of the usual pleasentries. Not saying this is the case here, but that I don't ever want it to be. This includes any Political/Religious discussion. Don't post why you think democracy is better than socialism or that capitalism is as bad as communism, etc. Also no discussions about the existence of God or Darwinian processes. Don't post on why it is better to be Muslim or better to be Jewish or better to be Catholic, athiestic, pantheistic, etc, etc.

The exception to the above would be a simple expression as it describes yourself. For example: You can post a picture of you and your family in front of your church and say "Here is me in my family last Sunday all dressed up for church."

Hopefully everyone follows this.


Re: About the Free For All Page

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:38 pm
by mmcavall
daiv wrote:
Please remember to keep the content clean and always, always be polite. There are school groups that use this website for their school projects -keep that audience in mind. In other words -keep this forum rated "G".

Keep in mind also that certain subjects are off limits because of they fuel fierce debates in this sort of environment. People are much more bold behind a computer and often dispose of the usual pleasentries. Not saying this is the case here, but that I don't ever want it to be. This includes any Political/Religious discussion. Don't post why you think democracy is better than socialism or that capitalism is as bad as communism, etc. Also no discussions about the existence of God or Darwinian processes. Don't post on why it is better to be Muslim or better to be Jewish or better to be Catholic, athiestic, pantheistic, etc, etc.

Hopefully everyone follows this.

Unfortunatelly, not everyone is following that (I did not replied directly in the thread to avoid bumping such kind of posts). I agree with Aiko that a moderation would be necessary (or at least, would be welcome by those who value the type of nice and gentle posts that are characteristic of this forum). Hope that I'm contributing here.

Re: About the Free For All Page

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:07 pm
by daiv
Please let me know if you find anyone posting things that are not following the rules. The post and possibly the user will be deleted without hesitation.

Sorry it took a little to catch this one.
