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insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:09 am
by tudedude
I have what looks like a bunch of tiny termite looking critters roaming around the wool of an ariocapus. At first I thought they were thrips but upon closer inspection with a magnifying glass they look termites. Anyone know what there are? Sorry I don't have a macro lens so I can't take a pic.

Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:02 am
by CactusBoss
It might be scale? Idk though without a pic.

Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:32 am
by tudedude
Definitely not scale or the usual suspects. Looks like microscopic termites. I think they where munching on the wool. Not sure,I didn't see any damage to the plant and they've been on that thing for weeks. I just dunked the whole cactus in insecticidal soaps. More paranoid for my house than the ariocarpus.

Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:40 am
by CactusBoss
tudedude wrote:Definitely not scale or the usual suspects. Looks like microscopic termites. I think they where munching on the wool. Not sure,I didn't see any damage to the plant and they've been on that thing for weeks. I just dunked the whole cactus in insecticidal soaps. More paranoid for my house than the ariocarpus.
I've never heard of termites on cacti. I think they prefer wood not cacti!

Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:07 am
by tudedude
yeah, I think they're too small to be termites. They're maybe a millimeter long, but kind of resemble their body shape.

Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:17 am
by CactusBoss
I'd go look under Pests & Diseases and see what to do about scale insects cause that's what I think they are. Does the cactus have any sort of scarring on it? They could also be mealy bugs but I can't tell without a picture. Sorry. It may not be anything major either idk

Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:30 am
by Lisa.nick
Hi all! Sorry if this is hitting on an older post, but I have termites in my raised bed.

Last year my roommates and I built a very cheap raised bed with some treated and some untreated. I was weeding and hand tilling the soil the other day and I noticed termites in the untreated wood. I was very much concerned and was going through some of the sites like" onclick=";return false; ," onclick=";return false; to get an solution to the termite menace.

I'm wondering how concerned I should be about my vegetables (assortment of tomatoes, peppers, and squash) I am about to plant in that bed. I've been getting a bit overwhelmed with all the info out there, some saying not to worry about them attacking plants others saying termites eating only dead cellulose it a common misnomer.

Also, any safe/organic ways to kill these buggers? I've read some mixed reviews on borax.

Thank you for any insight!


Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:31 pm
by adetheproducer
Miight be springtails I get them on my cacti a lot. Here is the best picture I could get, the keep moving.

Re: insect on ariocarpus wool..termite?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:29 am
by hegar
I also thought, that you could be dealing with spring tails, insect family Collembola. These are pale grey very small insects, that mostly just feed on decaying organic matter. There are a few plant feeders among them too, but I have yet to encounter any of those.
The other kind of spring tails are pretty common in soil.
