More early summer doings in L.A.

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Steve Johnson
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More early summer doings in L.A.

Post by Steve Johnson »

Ah, what a long, hot, lovely July 4th weekend it was! And a good way to end it with a few of the latest early summer doings on my plant bench...

Echinocereus rigidissimus rubispinus showing exactly 3 months of growth:


This Turbinicarpus jauernigii joined the collection last summer -- time for establishing, but not much else. Now it's ready for summer growing:



Looks plump enough, so I'll have to let the Turb get a little thirsty before I water it again.

I've seen plenty of flowers from my Gymnocalyciums, but I've never actually seen one set fruit before. That is, until now -- Gymnocalycium stenopleurum:


I have not a clue if this species is self-fertile. If not, it'll be a one-off shooting blanks. Either way, it's nice to see what a Gymno fruit looks like.

My Sulcorebutia rauschii pushed out a new pup in spring. You'll see the pup wedging itself in there (left), and on the right -- where there was 1, now there are 2:


Plenty of room for more pups, maybe I should hang out a little sign saying "this space for rent".

And finally -- Melocactus matanzanus with 3 pretty flowers all in a row:


Cheers, everyone! :)
If you just want photos without all the blather, please visit my Flickr gallery.
My location: Los Angeles, CA (Zone 10b)
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