What is wrong with some people in the world today....

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What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by KittieKAT »

...honestly i wish i could answer the question so i could try to fix it, but it's a question that has far to many answers to even think of..let alone to solve.

Yet again we've been vandalized, this time the seedlings we've been growing in the program for almost a year. Someone broke into the sun porch green house opened the display case green house took out the growing seedlings we and the children Have been growing for over a year and decided that it would be fun to dump them out all over the floor throw them all over the place and proceed to stomp all over the dirt and seedling covered floo. Some trays we had just sowed with the donated lithop seeds we finally received from some of the kind people on this site, after months of not finding anything. The plants that were in the green house were ripped outta their pots and the pots were smashed and the plant's were smooshed :(
I was out Christmas shopping for toys for tots donations and for the children in the programs adopt a sponsor for secret Santa gifts (since outta the 37 kids only 2 sponsors signed up) so i was gonna try to fill the others with what little funds i have.
This is the second heart break that's come to the program and it hit just as hard as the first one (topics under: THANK YOu...no!) I don't get it, i really don't. I was gone for about an hour. I called the cops who finally showed up and decided it wasn't that big if an issue to them and they left with a chuckle...that really got me upset. What's the point of having cops if they are unwilling to help the people of the city.

I got on my hands and knees and started trying to pick up any surviving seedlings i could find amongst the dirt, dead plants and broken clay pots...i didn't find much and what i found may not recover from being stepped on rrepeatedly bythe person who did it. I have a feeling it was the same neighbour who did the first act of plant killing, but i can't prove it. But the lump in my throat and the knot in my stomach and the feelingof my eye's burning hot with trying not to cry is enough to have my suspicions. I don't know why this man hates me and the program i run, i don't know why he tries to knock us down when he knows I'm just gonna keep fighting to help pick these kids up. I think he enjoys watching their smiles fade and the sound of their crying and when there laughter turns to sobs. What kinda person is THAT?
I'm trying to move to a new place but it's very hard without a car and with the holidays coming and the relentless weather...i can't wait to get away from this place and this cold hearted man next door.
Now i am forced to find another way to keep this program alive for the children yet again. :(
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by Ron43 »

We are living in a world of self centered idiots! I'm glad I'm not a young person just starting out in the world today.
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by Aiko »

KittieKAT wrote:I have a feeling it was the same neighbour who did the first act of plant killing, but i can't prove it. But the lump in my throat and the knot in my stomach and the feelingof my eye's burning hot with trying not to cry is enough to have my suspicions. I don't know why this man hates me and the program i run, i don't know why he tries to knock us down when he knows I'm just gonna keep fighting to help pick these kids up.(
If it is him, just try to lure him to try to do it again. And place a hidden camera somewhere, maybe one that is connected to a moving sensor or something. It doesn't have to be a very good camera, just something that shoots pictures enough for you to recognise. I am sure something simple as this can be bought somewhere for now very much money.

And personally if it would happen with me after two times, I would make sure there was a trap somewhere. Maybe put some sharp glass on the back of the sliding door (if any). Of course get yourself familiar by opening the door without using the slide. I am sure anyone not familiar with this trap will cut himself badly. And will clearly mark himself with a recognisable wound., It will be easy to spot if it is your neighbour because of the bandages...
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by KittieKAT »

I kno i would love to have children, but I'm kinda glad I'm unable to have kids because if i did i would be setting them up for a world mostly filled with people who could careless about anyone but themselves and not give a darn who they hurt with the things they do.
These kids in this program come from bad families many without a mom or without a dad , many of there parents have drug problems or had drug problems or were in jail or in jail..etc..etc they live in a bad neighbourhood and many of them get killed or join gangs or deal drugs to support themselves/their families. They have NOTHING! Some don't even have a pair of shoes that don't have holes in them! Its sad, they grow up watching the drug dealers wearing fancy expensive clothes and driving nice cars and they idolize them and want to be like them when they grow up, its a ongoing circle of problems.
To have these kids get excited about growing plant's and learning to care about nature and want to learn more about these plant's and others like them is such a great thing for them and very RARE to find children who want to do better for themselves reguardless of the situation they are in, they want to be kids and have fun - not the grown up. They want to believe there is good in people and in humanity...and then something like this happens and they think F#%@ IT! Who care anyways and they enter the same route that many of them started taking a long time ago.. it's just sad. I really don't kno how i can keep defending people that so stuff like this actions and teach these kids to have trust and faith in people and humanity when I'm starting to NOT believe it myself.

So sad :(
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by KittieKAT »

I put locks on the door aiko i guess i was naive to think someone wouldn't cut them :(
Those were the last of the program plant's and stuff we had so i honestly think he knew im almost ready to leave and he wanted to do one last hurtful thing to pat himself on the shoulder for as he laughs about it to himself.
I'll try to do something, and i hope he comes back. ..but he prob won't
Soooo messed up this guy has NOTHING better to do then do stuff like this
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by Robb »

I'm so sorry to hear this! If this has happened to you twice now I would consider contacting the authorities. The local police were very helpful when I had my plants stolen. Again, so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. I hope you can get your plants justice.
Buying a cactus a day will keep the madness away.
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by KittieKAT »

I did call the police, unfortunately they found the whole incident somehow amusing to them, or maybe it was ME crying over dead plant's that amused them more... they basically said they would look into it but don't hold my breath cause they're only plants, and they basically have more important things to attend to then someone breaking into my Sun porch and killing all the children's seedlings inn the non profit growing program i run with poverty stricken youth and children. They didn't even want to take picture's or wrote anything down they looked in the green house porch for 2 seconds took my name and left laughing which i didn't find anything amusing to be laughing about...
YES, maybe there are more important things to them but too these children THESE seedlings were very important to them, and i just find the whole experience with the police officers of my town to be complete and utterly useless and appalling.

Thank you all for your caring words and thoughts, they are very calming to me at this time
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by Aiko »

KittieKAT wrote:and i just find the whole experience with the police officers of my town to be complete and utterly useless and appalling.
Sounds like ground for an official complaint. I can imagine they have other priorities, but they should always treat you fair and with respect. Laughing at you is the last action they should undertake here.
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by cortez753 »

Sorry that happened to you. I feel your frustration, but think of it as an opportunity to show those kids that despite the adversity. You're going to pick up the pieces, salvage what you got, and what "never give up" truly means. Show them that goals can and will be accomplished.
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by KittieKAT »

I will Cortez, yet again i will do just that.

Aiko, i was thinking that myself and I've called and left a message with the Cheif superior officer and i have yet to get a call back, be never seems to be there when i call to complain about the experience. Something will have to be done its not fair to me and these children as citizens to be treated like trash when asking for help.
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by cactushobbyman »

Just a thought, could it have been an animal?
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by cactusgrower313 »

omg im so sorry! if theirs anything I can help u with! I have ferocactus peninsulae, melocactus curvispinus and some other cacti if you want them as long as you payy for shipping im so sorry this happened to you.
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by SnowFella »

Next time around put something with some serious spines in the flats as company. Either Cholla or something fluffy looking like Mammillaria senilis, ought to make the cretins think twice after they meet those spines!
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by KittieKAT »

Deff not an animal cactushobbyman, they cut the locks and u could make out boot prints in the dirt that was on the floor after they stomped on everything, Its an inclosed sun porch on the second floor, they had to Jimmy the front door (which i didn't bolt lock cause i was out shopping and would not be able to get inside if locked, there's no key for it) and go up to the 2nd floor, cut open 2 thick chains with 2 locks on it and pillage thru everything like a maniac! I would hope to God that there is noooo animal on earth that could do such a thing, id be scared to sleep at night!!!

Cactusgrower, Thank you for your kind offer and your heart felt apology for what this "person" did, they are clearly a monsters to do this to children who have nothing. Maybe when we start cacti growing again I'll pm you, we are trying to finish up the mesemb part of the group and we seem to keep having to start over due ti this monster's cruel behavior and actions. Thanks again.

Snowfella, it would seem to be a good idea to do such things but ot gets to cold on there and the sun gets to scorching to leave cacti out there without protection from the sun and cold temps outside the greenhouse display case i use for the seedlings/sprouts which works well for them, the other plant's that have survived from the first incident with this guy got horrible burns and most of them died and couldn't recover from the damage from when he ripped off the sun screen blockers i put up for protecting them, to him he saw them as disturbing and unsightly and ripped them down, cops didn't care about that either...
That's when i moved everything that was on there except for the seedlings that need the humidity and Sun to grow, and put locks on the door to the porch, unfortunately he had to yet again do something equally evil....

I can't wait till i move
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Re: What is wrong with some people in the world today....

Post by Aiko »

KittieKAT wrote: could make out boot prints in the dirt that was on the floor after they stomped on everything
Time to make a print of this and compare to the shoes of your primary suspect. I am sure the garden has some dirt prints too. Or else throw some dirt on the parth where he walks when it is dark. He will probably not bother cleaning it up while it is dark, and just walk through it.

Or... have you taken finger prints from pots or the door? You can do this yourself, you know. Then try to get finger prints from your primary suspect (from the door knob, maybe?) and compare the two.

Then at least you know for sure for yourself if you were right, yes or no.
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