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Mammillaria tetrancistra

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:13 am
by kuni1234567
I am growing Mammillaria tetrancistra outdoor in plastic pots. I live about one hundred miles from where the plants are grown in nature, but live very close to the ocean and not in the desert. I probably over water the plants, but they are still alive after two years. The plants have large flowers and the largest plant is only 1 1/2 inch tall. The plants were purchased from Mesa Gardens.

Re: Mammillaria tetrancistra

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:08 am
by kuni1234567
I am thinking about watering the plants only when it rains because I live within a hundred miles of where the plants originate. The plants receive moisture from the ocean dew.

Re: Mammillaria tetrancistra

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:47 am
by stefan m.
100 miles could mean a lot , could mean nothing.
If your climate (humidity, precipitation, sun exposure, temperature, rain frequency) and soil are very close(>85%) to what the cactus has in its native region then yes(provided if its not pot grown). If its pot grown, recommend more regular watering.

Re: Mammillaria tetrancistra

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:47 am
by kuni1234567
I live in an area that receives more rain than where these M. tetrancistra originate. I drove to an area where these plants are know to grow and did not find any plants, but found Ferrocactus and Opuntia plants. I know that the plants receive more water from the ocean air, and I water the plants more than necessary. The plants were purchased from Mesa Gardens three years ago and are still growing and produce flowers once a year. The largest plant is only 1 1/2 inch tall and about 1 inch in diameter. I have heard of micro climates and how they affect plant growth, but believe unless you have many climate controlled greenhouses you cannot grow type of succulent. I have always wanted to have many climate controlled greenhouses in order to grow plants that I have always wanted, but you need lots of money to build and maintain these greenhouses.

Re: Mammillaria tetrancistra

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:47 am
by kuni1234567
The four M. tetrancistra are still alive and growing outside. The rain finally came and the plants were rained on. The smallest plant has been removed from its pot by a passing cat. The spines are caught by the cat and the cactus has been found several feet away from the pot. I replanted it three times and it is still alive. The largest plant is only two inches tall and little over one inch in diameter. The plants do not seem to grow very fast.