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A note to new members: Please add location info to your member profile/signature

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:41 pm
by Steve Johnson
It's incredibly helpful to know where you live when you share your plant experiences, and if you ask for advice, respondents are more likely to produce useful answers. Adding basic location info to your member profile is easy, so here's how to do it. First, click on the Member icon, then click on Profile:


In the Viewing profile window, click on Edit profile next to your username. Next, type your city (or town as the case may be) and state (or country if you live outside the US) in the location box. If you live in the US, add the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone number to your location -- this can also be helpful to know. Then click on Submit, and you're done! By the way, if you need to determine your Hardiness Zone number and/or you'd like to know what those numbers mean, go to this link:

Your basic location info will appear on the left side of your posts. If you also put it into your signature, it'll be visible to people on a mobile device. The keyword here is "help" -- when you do this, you'll be helping others and yourself too.

Re: Adding location info to your member profile/signature

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:41 pm
by WayneByerly
Thank you Steve for making this post. I completely concur with this position. Member locations are in MY opinion absolutely necessary for efficient transmission of relevant information ... whether from the position of a question, OR from an answer point of view.

Fellow Members: Please supply this absolutely essential information in your profile.