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Decapitated - what next?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:55 pm
by Msannic

I rescued a lanky stemmed rosette from my mothers house recently. Not sure on the ID. Maybe a ghost plant? I’m not sure what to do next! It had become etiolated so she moved it to a brighter location. When I took it home, it was a perfectly formed baby rosette sitting on top of a 4 inch stem that was bent over at almost 90 degrees. I cut the rosette off with about 2 inches of the stem and planted it 5 days later after it calloused.
However, the two inches of stem I left behind was beginning to show signs of what I believed was rot. It was turning dark brown in certain spots and became slightly mushy on one side. When I removed it from the pot, I found the roots were in a tight ball and packed around a different kind of soil than was in the rest of the pot. So I did as the thumbnail post suggested and freed the roots! I carefully broke it up and loosened it with a bowl of warm water. I just reread the thumbnail Ed post again and realized I may have replanted it too soon. I didn’t let it dry out overnight, but instead for just a few hours on a paper towel. But I replanted it in dry chunkier soil. I have yet to water it, and it’s been about a week.

I’m not sure when I should water the stem stump again if I suspect rot? Its currently sitting in a bright but shaded area on my patio. I live in Las Vegas, NV and it’s been about 70F in the afternoons. Does it looks like it could still survive?

Also, how long should I wait before watering the beheaded rosette? I know I can’t water until it sprouts roots but I’m not sure how long that might be!

Thank you for any advice!

Re: Decapitated - what next?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:54 am
by greenknight
It does look like a Ghost Plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense). They're easy to grow from cuttings, it shouldn't take long to root. Correct that you shouldn't water it until it roots, but it would be okay to mist it a little to reduce moisture loss.

You can check the cutting for rooting by gently pulling on it - if it comes up with no resistance it's not rooted yet, gently push it back down. If you feel any resistance it means rooting has begun. That doesn't mean you should give it a full watering, just give a little water, barely enough to get down to where the roots are forming. Let it dry out before you give it a little more water, gradually watering more deeply as it grows - but don't over-do it.

As for the old stump, I think it would be best to do nothing - just wait and see if it sprouts. Giving any water before that would just increase the chance of rotting.

Re: Decapitated - what next?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:01 am
by Msannic
Perfect. I will do all of that and see what happens! Thank you so much!