Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma 15 - September 2022 ... 2.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Jacindamania, the Rise of Socialism in New Zealand (Part 2)
2. Eduart Zimer - Moscow: Hunger is Our Last Hope
3. Timeless Music with Kimbra
4. Thoughts from the Past (Archives New Zealand) - Part 2
5. Elton Roberts - Cumulopuntia tumida compared to Cumulopuntia sphaerica
6. Timeless Music with Suzanne Vega
7. Eduart Zimer - Beautiful Cactus Flowers: Various Opuntias
8. Eduart Zimer - Wellington
All issues are here:
Carpophyma 15 - September 2022 ... 2.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Jacindamania, the Rise of Socialism in New Zealand (Part 2)
2. Eduart Zimer - Moscow: Hunger is Our Last Hope
3. Timeless Music with Kimbra
4. Thoughts from the Past (Archives New Zealand) - Part 2
5. Elton Roberts - Cumulopuntia tumida compared to Cumulopuntia sphaerica
6. Timeless Music with Suzanne Vega
7. Eduart Zimer - Beautiful Cactus Flowers: Various Opuntias
8. Eduart Zimer - Wellington
All issues are here:
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma No. 16 - November 2022 ... 65219feb68
1. Eduart Zimer - Jacindamania, the Rise of Socialism in New Zealand (Part 3)
2. Eduart Zimer - Read My Lips: Without You!
3. Thoughts from the Past (Archives New Zealand) - Part 3
4. Timeless Music with Aldous Harding 22
5. Eduart Zimer - Bowiea volubilis Harv. ex Hook.f.
6. Elton Roberts - Mealybugs
7. Timeless Music with Elliott Murphy
8. Dag Panco & Valentin Posea - About the unexplainable dynamic of some cacti
9. Eduart Zimer - Brunsvigia josephinae (Redouté) Ker Gawl.
10. Eduart Zimer - From Long Bay to Devonport: 23 kilometres of coastal happiness
Carpophyma No. 16 - November 2022 ... 65219feb68
1. Eduart Zimer - Jacindamania, the Rise of Socialism in New Zealand (Part 3)
2. Eduart Zimer - Read My Lips: Without You!
3. Thoughts from the Past (Archives New Zealand) - Part 3
4. Timeless Music with Aldous Harding 22
5. Eduart Zimer - Bowiea volubilis Harv. ex Hook.f.
6. Elton Roberts - Mealybugs
7. Timeless Music with Elliott Murphy
8. Dag Panco & Valentin Posea - About the unexplainable dynamic of some cacti
9. Eduart Zimer - Brunsvigia josephinae (Redouté) Ker Gawl.
10. Eduart Zimer - From Long Bay to Devonport: 23 kilometres of coastal happiness
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma No. 17 - January 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Ukraine: Rasputitsa time
2. Timeless Music with Greg Johnson
3. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 2)
4. Elton Roberts - Mammillaria wrightii ssp. wrightii Engelm.
5. Timeless Music with Haley Reinhart & Casey Abrams
6. Eduart Zimer - CSSNZ Auckland Cactus & Succulent Show 2022
7. Thoughts from the Past (Archives New Zealand) - Part 4
8. Eduart Zimer - Alpinarium (2008)
9. Eduart Zimer - Whangamata Beach
Carpophyma No. 17 - January 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Ukraine: Rasputitsa time
2. Timeless Music with Greg Johnson
3. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 2)
4. Elton Roberts - Mammillaria wrightii ssp. wrightii Engelm.
5. Timeless Music with Haley Reinhart & Casey Abrams
6. Eduart Zimer - CSSNZ Auckland Cactus & Succulent Show 2022
7. Thoughts from the Past (Archives New Zealand) - Part 4
8. Eduart Zimer - Alpinarium (2008)
9. Eduart Zimer - Whangamata Beach
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma No. 18 - March 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Before and After (Русский мир)
2. Eduart Zimer - Remove the Halo and Jacinda Becomes Ordinary
3. Timeless Music with The Dead Brothers / Alain Croubalian
4. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 3)
5. Elton Roberts - Turbinicarpus lophophoroides L723 - trash plants
6. David Crosby (14 August 1941 – 18 January 2023)
7. Eduart Zimer - Cleistocactus winteri D.R. Hunt
8. Timeless Music with Justin Johnson
9. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand: The Land of the Vintage Cars (Part 1)
10. Eduart Zimer - Scarborough Reserve / From Godley Head to Taylors Mistake
Carpophyma No. 18 - March 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Before and After (Русский мир)
2. Eduart Zimer - Remove the Halo and Jacinda Becomes Ordinary
3. Timeless Music with The Dead Brothers / Alain Croubalian
4. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 3)
5. Elton Roberts - Turbinicarpus lophophoroides L723 - trash plants
6. David Crosby (14 August 1941 – 18 January 2023)
7. Eduart Zimer - Cleistocactus winteri D.R. Hunt
8. Timeless Music with Justin Johnson
9. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand: The Land of the Vintage Cars (Part 1)
10. Eduart Zimer - Scarborough Reserve / From Godley Head to Taylors Mistake
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma 19 - May 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - The Pyrrhic victory in Bakhmut
2. Timeless Music with Kokomo
3. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 4)
4. Elton Roberts - Various Short Articles 23
5. Eduart Zimer - A New Zealand endemic: Clematis paniculata J.F. Gmel.
6. Timeless Music with Ray Wylie Hubbard
7. Eduart Zimer - Solandra maxima (Sessé & Moc. ex Dunal) P.S. Green
8. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand: The Land of the Vintage Cars (Part 2)
9. Eduart Zimer - Mount Zion and Karekare Beach
Carpophyma 19 - May 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - The Pyrrhic victory in Bakhmut
2. Timeless Music with Kokomo
3. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 4)
4. Elton Roberts - Various Short Articles 23
5. Eduart Zimer - A New Zealand endemic: Clematis paniculata J.F. Gmel.
6. Timeless Music with Ray Wylie Hubbard
7. Eduart Zimer - Solandra maxima (Sessé & Moc. ex Dunal) P.S. Green
8. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand: The Land of the Vintage Cars (Part 2)
9. Eduart Zimer - Mount Zion and Karekare Beach
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
A bit late this month (computer breakdown + family trip to Australia) but, finally, here it is:
Carpophyma No. 20 - August 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Ukraine – Where is the Counter Offensive?
2. Miklós Ficzere - Cacti and succulents growing at -23 C
3. Timeless Music with Tal Wilkenfeld
4. Elton Roberts - Coryphantha roederiana Bödeker 1929
5. Eduart Zimer - Brugmansia x candida Pers. – the Angel’s Trumpet
6. Timeless Music with Flatland Cavalry
7. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand: The Land of the Vintage Cars (Part 3)
8. Eduart Zimer - Nelson and Abel Tasman
A bit late this month (computer breakdown + family trip to Australia) but, finally, here it is:
Carpophyma No. 20 - August 2023 ... 3.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Ukraine – Where is the Counter Offensive?
2. Miklós Ficzere - Cacti and succulents growing at -23 C
3. Timeless Music with Tal Wilkenfeld
4. Elton Roberts - Coryphantha roederiana Bödeker 1929
5. Eduart Zimer - Brugmansia x candida Pers. – the Angel’s Trumpet
6. Timeless Music with Flatland Cavalry
7. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand: The Land of the Vintage Cars (Part 3)
8. Eduart Zimer - Nelson and Abel Tasman
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
A bit early this time.
Carpophyma No. 21 - September 2023 ... 3e3rhwgycb
1. Eduart Zimer - Election Time (Fox or Frog?)
2. Eduart Zimer - Ukraine: The time for REAL support has come
3. Timeless Music with Hamilton County Bluegrass Band
4. Eduart Zimer - The Bid for Succulence: Calystegia soldanella
5. Elton Roberts - Puna subterranea ssp. pulcherrima (R.E.Fr.) R.Kiesling
6. Timeless Music with Xavier Rudd
7. Eduart Zimer - Holdens were as Aussie as Vegemite, Qantas and Bondi Beach
8. Eduart Zimer - The succulent corner at Yankee Wharf, Rangitoto
9. Eduart Zimer - Karangahake Gorge (Part 1)
A bit early this time.
Carpophyma No. 21 - September 2023 ... 3e3rhwgycb
1. Eduart Zimer - Election Time (Fox or Frog?)
2. Eduart Zimer - Ukraine: The time for REAL support has come
3. Timeless Music with Hamilton County Bluegrass Band
4. Eduart Zimer - The Bid for Succulence: Calystegia soldanella
5. Elton Roberts - Puna subterranea ssp. pulcherrima (R.E.Fr.) R.Kiesling
6. Timeless Music with Xavier Rudd
7. Eduart Zimer - Holdens were as Aussie as Vegemite, Qantas and Bondi Beach
8. Eduart Zimer - The succulent corner at Yankee Wharf, Rangitoto
9. Eduart Zimer - Karangahake Gorge (Part 1)
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
A bit early this time as well.
Carpophyma No. 22 - November 2023 ... 0i6gh&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - It’s complicated…
2. Timeless Music with C.W. Stoneking
3. Elton Roberts - Echinocereus papillosus Linke ex Rümpler
4. Timeless Music with Mike Dawes
5. Eduart Zimer - Carl Spitzweg (1808 – 1885), the Succulent Plants Lover
6. Eduart Zimer - Karangahake Gorge (Part 2)
7. Eduart Zimer - Kaitōrete Spit
A bit early this time as well.
Carpophyma No. 22 - November 2023 ... 0i6gh&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - It’s complicated…
2. Timeless Music with C.W. Stoneking
3. Elton Roberts - Echinocereus papillosus Linke ex Rümpler
4. Timeless Music with Mike Dawes
5. Eduart Zimer - Carl Spitzweg (1808 – 1885), the Succulent Plants Lover
6. Eduart Zimer - Karangahake Gorge (Part 2)
7. Eduart Zimer - Kaitōrete Spit
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All... and a Happy New Year 2024!
Carpophyma No. 23 - January 2024 ... 5qamg&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 1
3. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand alpine flora: Celmisia Cass.
4. Timeless Music with Darren Hanlon
5. Albert Leroy - Palm trees on the Canary Islands (and why not in our gardens)
6. Elton Roberts - A small lesson / Ariocarpus growing season
7. Timeless Music with Natalie Merchant
8. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Adenia cultivated in New Zealand
Carpophyma No. 23 - January 2024 ... 5qamg&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 1
3. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand alpine flora: Celmisia Cass.
4. Timeless Music with Darren Hanlon
5. Albert Leroy - Palm trees on the Canary Islands (and why not in our gardens)
6. Elton Roberts - A small lesson / Ariocarpus growing season
7. Timeless Music with Natalie Merchant
8. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Adenia cultivated in New Zealand
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
When it's ready it's ready - no need to wait.
Carpophyma 24 - March 2024 ... ntpwx&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer – Ukraine – Two years after the Russian invasion
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 2
3. Eduart Zimer - Eucomis comosa (Houtt.) H.R.Wehrh.
4. Timeless Music with Geoff Achinson
5. Eduart Zimer - Derrick J. ’Didge’ Rowe (05.08.1940 - 24.06.2023)
6. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 5)
7. Elton Roberts - Austrocylindropuntia inarmata Backeb.
8. Timeless Music with Sarah Jarosz
9. Eduart Zimer - Dudleya brittonii D.A. Johans.
10. Eduart Zimer - The northern tip of the Bridle Path & Aotea Terrace
When it's ready it's ready - no need to wait.
Carpophyma 24 - March 2024 ... ntpwx&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer – Ukraine – Two years after the Russian invasion
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 2
3. Eduart Zimer - Eucomis comosa (Houtt.) H.R.Wehrh.
4. Timeless Music with Geoff Achinson
5. Eduart Zimer - Derrick J. ’Didge’ Rowe (05.08.1940 - 24.06.2023)
6. Eduart Zimer - The Genus Tillandsia (Part 5)
7. Elton Roberts - Austrocylindropuntia inarmata Backeb.
8. Timeless Music with Sarah Jarosz
9. Eduart Zimer - Dudleya brittonii D.A. Johans.
10. Eduart Zimer - The northern tip of the Bridle Path & Aotea Terrace
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma 25 - May 2024 ... 58jc3&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - All it takes is a spark!
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 3
3. Timeless Music with Fanfare Ciocărlia
4. Eduart Zimer - Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt. Coot-tha (Part 1)
5. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw. growing shoots
6. Timeless Music with Dirty Three
7. Eduart Zimer - The Mini turned 65 years old!
8. Eduart Zimer - Tutukaka Coast
Carpophyma 25 - May 2024 ... 58jc3&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - All it takes is a spark!
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 3
3. Timeless Music with Fanfare Ciocărlia
4. Eduart Zimer - Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt. Coot-tha (Part 1)
5. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw. growing shoots
6. Timeless Music with Dirty Three
7. Eduart Zimer - The Mini turned 65 years old!
8. Eduart Zimer - Tutukaka Coast
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma 26 - July 2024 ... c4es0&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - The true value of a Russian soldier's life
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 4
3. Timeless Music with 2CELLOS
4. Eduart Zimer - Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt. Coot-tha (Part 2)
5. Eduart Zimer - Beautiful Cactus Flowers: Echinopsis bruchii (Soehrensia bruchii)
6. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus retusus v. scapharostroides Halda & Horáček
7. Timeless Music with Farfarello
8. Eduart Zimer - Western Springs (Part 1)
Carpophyma 26 - July 2024 ... c4es0&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - The true value of a Russian soldier's life
2. Eduart Zimer - Lucky Bastard! (Or how Adolf Hitler cheated certain death dozens of times) Part 4
3. Timeless Music with 2CELLOS
4. Eduart Zimer - Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt. Coot-tha (Part 2)
5. Eduart Zimer - Beautiful Cactus Flowers: Echinopsis bruchii (Soehrensia bruchii)
6. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus retusus v. scapharostroides Halda & Horáček
7. Timeless Music with Farfarello
8. Eduart Zimer - Western Springs (Part 1)
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma 27 - September 2024 ... 0lhuz&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Russia is Complete Lawlessness
2. Eduart Zimer - The Sultans of Swing: Joey vs. Donnie (+ Mrs. Momala)
3. R.I.P – Nicu Covaci (19.04.1947 - 02.08.2024) & John Mayall (29.11.1933 - 22.07. 2024)
4. Timeless Music with Dead Can Dance
5. Derrick J. Rowe - An Overview of Ant-Plant Cultivation
6. Alain Laroze - The Chilean Raid (Part 1)
7. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus aff. trigonus / Ariocarpus aff. trigonus resolved
8. Timeless Music with Crooked Still
9. Eduart Zimer - Western Springs (Part 2)
Carpophyma 27 - September 2024 ... 0lhuz&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Russia is Complete Lawlessness
2. Eduart Zimer - The Sultans of Swing: Joey vs. Donnie (+ Mrs. Momala)
3. R.I.P – Nicu Covaci (19.04.1947 - 02.08.2024) & John Mayall (29.11.1933 - 22.07. 2024)
4. Timeless Music with Dead Can Dance
5. Derrick J. Rowe - An Overview of Ant-Plant Cultivation
6. Alain Laroze - The Chilean Raid (Part 1)
7. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus aff. trigonus / Ariocarpus aff. trigonus resolved
8. Timeless Music with Crooked Still
9. Eduart Zimer - Western Springs (Part 2)
Re: Carpophyma
Hi All,
Carpophyma 28 - Novcember 2024 ... my0u2&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Russia is the second best army in… Russia
2. Eduart Zimer - Psilotum nudum (L.) P.Beauv. – fam. Psilotaceae
3. Timeless Music with Darren Watson
4. Alain Laroze - The Chilean Raid (Part 2)
5. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus retusus and its many faces
6. Timeless Music with Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
7. Eduart Zimer - First 100 Years of MG: from a Morris Garages sports car to a Chinese washout (Part 1)
8. Eduart Zimer - Alfriston Road Roundabout
Carpophyma 28 - Novcember 2024 ... my0u2&dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Russia is the second best army in… Russia
2. Eduart Zimer - Psilotum nudum (L.) P.Beauv. – fam. Psilotaceae
3. Timeless Music with Darren Watson
4. Alain Laroze - The Chilean Raid (Part 2)
5. Elton Roberts - Ariocarpus retusus and its many faces
6. Timeless Music with Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
7. Eduart Zimer - First 100 Years of MG: from a Morris Garages sports car to a Chinese washout (Part 1)
8. Eduart Zimer - Alfriston Road Roundabout