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black dots taking over?!?! help pls!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:07 am
by imacocoageek
hello friends! can you please help me identify what is going on with this echeveria of mine? the same damage is starting to pop up on other echeverias of mine too. the damage is in small black dots that look pixelated. If a split a leaf in half, the damage is only skin deep. It looks as if the energy is sucked out of the leaves. I seem to have the treatment under control, but I want to know WHAT it is or what is causing it! thank you! please help-any help is welcomed! I truly do not think it is sunburn because of the pixelated look, and a lot of the damage is underneath the leaves or on the leaves near the stem. It is important that I note that I have not seen any insects on it nor any webbing. THANK YOU! my echeverias also thank you.

Re: black dots taking over?!?! help pls!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:41 am
by Jangaudi
can you take a magnifying glass and check if there's any small crawlers around ? Had tiny spots all over my succulents this summer as a result of a spider mite infestation. Could be that....or not ;)

Re: black dots taking over?!?! help pls!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:07 pm
by imacocoageek
Jangaudi wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:41 am can you take a magnifying glass and check if there's any small crawlers around ? Had tiny spots all over my succulents this summer as a result of a spider mite infestation. Could be that....or not ;)
hello! i have tried and tried but cannot find any bugs!! one of my friends did suggest that these could possibly be microscopic mite damage. i just want to know what is causing this haha!

Re: black dots taking over?!?! help pls!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:55 pm
by Jangaudi
Did you check under the leaves ? or give the pot a little hit with something and see if they come a crawling.. they did when I did it :D Or possible the season has passed, and they are gone, except for the eggs. Any of your other plants have any damage ? Actually when I look at the first picture I see small white dots on the leaves, just dust ?

Re: black dots taking over?!?! help pls!

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:50 pm
by tasuccs
Im a bit late, but looks like it could be thrips, they tend to leave little almost microscopic black poops that you can see on damaged areas, and cause shriveling/blackening on the edges of leaves like you have. They're very hard to spot and compared to mites and aphids they also tend to hide out of sight. I recently discovered they've been destroying my herbs after months of recurring attacks and head scratching on my part. I haven't found a good solution so I hope for your sake that I'm wrong...

Re: black dots taking over?!?! help pls!

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:03 pm
by One Windowsill
Thrips will move if you breathe on them slowly and heavily, I find. Having short sight really helps with spotting the bugs.