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C. ovata and C. pyramidalis temperature resistance

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:38 am
by Arash37
I have both succulents and i have no idea where i should keep it during the winter. Should i treat them like most cacti plants (5 degrees Celsius and dry soil)? Or maybe a bit higher temperature (about 10-15°C) and give a little water once in a while? If i missed already existing thread about it please let me know.

Re: C. ovata and C. pyramidalis temperature resistance

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:04 pm
by esp_imaging
5deg C should be fine - even with a little bit of water at times if you have warmer periods.
I froze a C. ovata to death at about -2C last winter, comfortably frost free will be fine though.