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Saguaro and Browningia hertlingiana

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 11:42 pm
by CoastalCactus
I've been on a bit of a frenzy with new plants lately, and apparently growing from seed has started to figure in to that! First ones that I've started are Saguaro and Browningia hertlingiana. Sowed on April 28, I started with 20 saguaro seeds in one container, and 8 or 9 Browningia hertlingiana in another. The Browningia seeds were much more expensive so I only ordered 26 of them. Unfortunately I crushed one by accident, so that brought this first batch down in size. So far of the 20 saguro seeds 15 have germinated! Only 2 Browningia have sprouted so far, but I'm hoping I get one or two more over the coming weeks. I was excited to get going and all I had on hand was some generic pre-mixed cactus soil to which I added a bunch of fine pumice. It's heavier on perlite than I'd like, but it's what I had on hand and seems to be doing well so far! I sterilized the soil as best I could with repeated microwavings in these glass Ikea food containers, then once they cooled I added the seeds, sprinkled a light dusting of soil over top, and sealed them up. They're currently sitting on a shelf behind my main planters where they can get plenty of indirect sunlight.

It was impossible to get clear pictures due to condensation on the container lids, and I'm not planning to open them until after at least a month, so I did the best I could and cranked the contrast to make them as clear as possible. It's interesting seeing their differences, the saguaro seedlings are squat and thick with a split-leaf look to them. Most of them are about 5mm tall, the tallest being no more than 7mm I'd guess, with their tops being about 2x4mm. The Browningia seedlings are taller and thin, one being about 7-8mm, the other possibly as tall as 12mm, with the stalks being at most 2mm wide. They seems like they're just barely starting to split at the tip in the way that the saguaros are.

Here is what some individuals look like at 10 days old:

Saguaro seedling - 10 days after planting
Saguaro seedling - 10 days after planting
Saguaro - seedling - Day 10.jpg (74.01 KiB) Viewed 1467 times
Browningia hertlingiana:
Browningia hertlingiana seedling - 10 days after planting
Browningia hertlingiana seedling - 10 days after planting
Browningia Hertlingiana - seedling - 10 days.jpg (78.08 KiB) Viewed 1467 times

Re: Saguaro and Browningia hertlingiana

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 1:47 pm
by Download
No one will be able to tell you at this stage.

Re: Saguaro and Browningia hertlingiana

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:29 pm
by CoastalCactus
There was no question, this was simply sharing information and a status update :)

Re: Saguaro and Browningia hertlingiana

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 6:43 am
by eulaspiegel
Exciting, good luck with the seedlings!

Re: Saguaro and Browningia hertlingiana

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 9:56 am
by anttisepp
Very nice seedlings! Why didn't you get seeds of some easier to bloom cacti as Gymnocalycium, Rebutia, Notocactus, Hamatocactus, Mammillaria? You have an experience now so bravely forward and show us your success!

Re: Saguaro and Browningia hertlingiana

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 7:22 pm
by CoastalCactus
Thank you! I guess I'm a bit of a masochist for attempting these ones, haha! I do have some other seeds on the way, though some of those might be a bit tricky as well. At least for the saguaro's my partner's young son has agreed to look after them when I'm gone in (hopefully) 40-60 years. With any luck I'll actually get to see one bloom :lol: