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lithops shrivelling whats wrong :(

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:52 am
by memememe
For some reason, my lithops are not doing so good. They are all about 1-1 1/2 years old, and I repotted and trimmed their roots 2 weeks ago and from uprooting one, I learnt that they probably are all rooted now (happy with that). The plants get 3 hrs direct sunlight starting from 10:00 and indirect sunlight afterwards, and are in a mix of about 80 percent perlite, and 10 percent earthworm castings, as well as some sand. They are shrivelling rapidly, and I don't know the cause :( . Probably not underwatering because I just watered them 3 days ago and nothing happened. Sorry that the images are a bit blurry, but I think you can see the wrinkles on the plants.
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Re: lithops shrivelling whats wrong :(

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:08 am
by memememe
oh, and btw I just moved them out to a greenhouse 2 days ago so that they got some more sunlight (the old place was covered by trees). I wonder if that has to do with the shrivelling

Re: lithops shrivelling whats wrong :(

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:39 am
by MikeInOz
Not much shriveling going on that I can see. But if they are it will have something to do with the roots.

Re: lithops shrivelling whats wrong :(

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:00 am
by memememe
Ok thanks, I will check on the roots.

Re: lithops shrivelling whats wrong :(

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:06 am
by memememe
I did - and there seemed to be plenty of roots (on the one I uprooted), but when I pulled it a little half of the root system fell off. The soil was very dry, and so were the roots, which I took to be dead. :(

Re: lithops shrivelling whats wrong :(

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:07 am
by memememe
maybe it was a bit too dry?

Re: lithops shrivelling whats wrong :(

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:06 am
by keith
Lithops are tricky. I find that in mid Summer if watered heavily like cactus they just turn white and disintegrate. very annoying. Because of this I just use a fine spray of water in Summer but they will plump up so they are taking up water . Try a fine mist of water and see if they will plump up ?
As soon a fall starts they perk up and will take up water and not rot.

I read you're not supposed to water lithops in Winter ? But I just had a 1/2 " of rain flood my lithops and not sure what's going to happen ?

Possible all my hard to grow Lithops ( I grew from a mixed seed pack ) already died and went back to Africa.