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Watering question

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:34 am
by Alvin Cacti
Hey guys,

I repotted my cactus on March2022, only threw 3 cups (450ml x3) of water and I have not been watering my cactus since then. I live in Melbourne currently it's winter. They are now near the window where direct sunlight at least 3-5 hrs a day.

I have been monitoring their water level every fortnight, until now (5 months) the soil still moist (picture attached). My concern is, it has been 5 months, should I water them? Or wait until it reaches 1 in moisture meter and completely dry then water?
Three cactus are in 40cm pot, 180cm, 170cm and 140cm. Plus 2 little babies are coming out.

Any help would be appreciated 😘

Re: Watering question

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:27 am
by BryanT
You can wait until it dry. 5 months means your soil is too wet, might consider change the soil.
Trichocereus & Cereus need more light. They can survive, but will show signs of etiolation.

Re: Watering question

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:18 am
by greenknight
Agreed, that soil is staying wet much too long.

In the winter, they should be dry so they go dormant. You don't want them growing when the light levels are lower, and it sounds like the light is none to good at the best of times.

Re: Watering question

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:53 pm
by Alvin Cacti
Thanks for the info 😉

Re: Watering question

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:01 pm
by ohugal
Usually moisture meters don't work properly in porous substrates. I also see you have gravel as a top dressing and a plastic pot. Those two combined with non-porous soil could explain your situation. But again, don't entirely rely on moisture meters.

Re: Watering question

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 8:27 am
by anttisepp
Indoors? You haven't terrase or balkony, no garden? Do you have much rain in winter? Haven't seen columnar cacti in the gardens?