Winter preparations Question: Epis & Nopalxochia

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Winter preparations Question: Epis & Nopalxochia

Post by nachtkrabb »

Hallo folks,

this is kind of strange to me: Since I was a kid I am living with white flowering Epis plus Nopalxochia phyllanthoides (if the name is correct; they flower pink). But since a couple of years I have problems with them and don't understand it. It might have to do with the new, sealed windows & the "missing" gaps to the roller shutters, where the cold wind came in. At least renovation time is more or less the time when it started.

Since then I am not sure how to bring my Epis & Nopalx through the winter. They often shrivel, get dry leaf points or whole leafs are dying off, they get loads of mealy bugs although they get "poisoned" water, some have strange dots (some fungus?).

How & where do you bring your Epis through the winter? Do you give them a cool place or a spot in the living room? What about (sun) light? Do you water them as during summer or a lot less?

Thank you.
Nachtkrabb :? :( :shock: :x ](*,)
Love and Revolution!
...and still more cacti.
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