Hey everyone. My plants have gone through a lot over the last few years and I have lost many many plants. I was growing some seedlings that were doing well that ended up dying due to neglect, but I've started to cultivate again. I recently moved to a house that is shaped like a U and right in the middle, one of the previous owners built a greenhouse. One of my challenges up here in Northern California, by the coast, has been the wetness and finding adequate storage for my collection . So far they all seem pretty happy. They've been coming out of dormancy and a period of neglect pretty well. I'm getting temps up to 102°F and summer has sort of just began. Anyway, I wanted to share what I have in my collection at the moment.
Some Lophs, orchids, Dorstenia. Some M. fragilis that had fallen off of some plants I had sold a while back and a young Astrocylindropuntia I haven't ID'd yet.
My S. eruca, Astrophytum that got munched on by my rabbit, T. articulatus, M. bucareliensis, a Mila caespitosa that is really sad. It used to be pretty big and it got attacked by mites. It's starting to grow back and I have a lot of seedlings that are its offspring. E obessa.
A retusus that was neglected but coming back, N. scopa rubra, it was a gift. Vitis tuberosa, Aloinopsis rubrolineata I grew from seed,
an Echinopsis, some H. decumbens seedlings, an unidentified sp, E. micromeris seedlings that I thought were all dead (found 2 still clinging on), Lyphostemma juttae that got too cold and is still naked, Operculicarya pachypus, Adenia volkensii that made a come back, B. liliputana that flowered extra hard this year, and a very pink/grafted Gymnocalycium species that is unidentified that I had to emergengy graph because half of it had started to rot.
Dioscorea elephantipes that just came out of dormancy..., Abromeitiella brevifolia, Fockea edulis
Lithops, Aloinopsis schooneesii, Matelea gonolobus cyclophyllus, a Haageocereus sp., S. gummosus seedlings, Pachypodium geayi, Petiopenta natalensis, Aloe plicatilis, Haworthia truncata in flower, Echinopsis sp, Haageocereus sp, C. hypogaea, M. plumosa
Didiera madagascariensis just waking up, a couple more unidentified Haageocereus sp (the tags fell out), Operculicarya decaryi, Acanthocereus rosei, Pterocactus tuberosus, M. parkinsonii, Leuchtenbergia principis,
Different angle. Another S. eruca down below. Notocactus in bloom, Opuntia sp, a couple Cleistocactus sp, Carnegiea gigantea (I think),
Outside the greenhouse. Some Opuntia sp, Echinopsis, Mammillaria, Maihuenia poeppigii and an Aloe tree.
Thanks for looking. Let me know if you'd like some more photos.