Seedlings and Winter

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Seedlings and Winter

Post by zpeckler »

Hello everyone!

Well, here in the Sacramento Valley things are finally beginning to feel like fall. We had highs in the mid-90's up until last week, and things are finally starting to cool off... into the mid-80's! :lol:

Night-time temps are predicted to drop below 55F for the first time next week and all my outside plants got their last watering over a week ago so they'll be nice and dry before the temps get too low.

My question is what I should do with my young plants? I had my 2023 seedlings outside all summer and they did really well, but I'm wondering what I should do with them come winter. They've been growing well, and range in size from 1.5cm across to about the size of a golf ball. Are they big/old enough to spend the winter outside protected from rain outside?

My winters are fairly mild with overnight lows occasionally into the 30's, but basically never freezing. I have a space I can cover them outside to protect them from rain, but I don't have room inside. My grow light table is occupied with this year's seedlings. I suppose I could set up more grow lights on the floor if it's absolutely necessary, but space is definitely extremely limited and it would be not my wife's first choice.

Here is a list of the species I'm talking about. FWIW some of the cacti are from the Mojave so they may be more tolerant of winter cold and a little moisture than say a Sonoran species.

Ferocactus cylindraceus
Ferocactus viridescens
Ferocactus wislizenii
Echinocactus polycephalus (These ones are really small, only about 1cm. I'm considering keeping these inside with my 2024 seedlings)
Echinocereus engelmanii
Echinocereus nivosus
Mammillaria dioica
Agave utahensis var. nevadensis

As always, thanks for your thoughts!

Butte County, CA, USA
USDA Zone 9b
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Re: Seedlings and Winter

Post by keith »

I have a space I can cover them outside to protect them from rain, but I don't have room inside."

yea outside should be OK protect them from Slugs and other things
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