Rebutia flavistyla seeds

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Rebutia flavistyla seeds

Post by Murph »

Well, i finally have some cactus seeds. One of 3 seed pods on my Rebutia flavistyla has opened, and inside were roughly 30 small black seeds (i only have 24, as some of them fell between the gravel in the pot).

But now here is my question - is it possible to have a Rebutia X Mammillaria?

The reason i ask is because i was so desperate to obtain some seeds that i tried to successfully pollinate my Rebutia with any pollen i had. Subsequently my Mamm. wildii was my only cactus also in flower at the time, so i cross-pollinated them.

Anyway, each of the Rebutia's flowers developed a seed pod, and now i am getting the seeds. What i want to know is whether the seeds are simply Rebutia seeds, or Rebutia X Mammillaria seeds. If they are only Rebutia seeds, it must have successfully pollinated itself.

This is strange though, because none of my gymno's, noto's, or mamms have ever self-pollinated to form seed.

Does anyone know what this seed will turn into??? :?
Weird - a Euphorbia is not a cactus, yet a Pereskia is.
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Post by daiv »

Interesting question and one I'd like to know the answer to as well... :-k
All Cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are Cacti
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