Thelo/Echinoc. yellow/orange spots

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Thelo/Echinoc. yellow/orange spots

Post by Sundust »

Greetings from Miami :)

need help with:

Thelocactus has yellow/orange spots. Can you tell what this is and what I can do to get rid off it?

Echinocereus has unusual growth (upper part) and also shows growth damage (lower part). Other than that plants looks and appears to be fine.
Is this spider mite damage?
Any ideas on what this is and what treatment is recommended?

Thanks for your help
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Re: Thelo/Echinoc. yellow/orange spots

Post by hegar »

Well, I am not quite certain about the cause for the yellowish-orange spots. They do not seem to be caused by a pathogen though.
Some kind of feeding damage seems to be more likely. Perhaps someone else on the forum will know the reason for their presence.
The last image does show a plant that has not been receiving adequate light lately. This condition is called etiolation and shows up as a reduction in stem diameter and usually a different color of green of the epidermis and farther spacing of the areoles.
Placing the plant into a brighter light should help return it to its former growth. It will, however, remain a little thinner at the section that did receive less than the ideal amount of light.

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Re: Thelo/Echinoc. yellow/orange spots

Post by Sundust »


thanks for your ideas.
I do not think that the plant in the last picture has a light problem. It is in the same spot all spring/summer long (Greenhouse in MIami with hours of sun per day) with no problems what so ever.
And there are other Echinocereus next to it as well.
I thought the weird growth is caused by an insect like spider mites...but I could never see one...
Otherwise the plants looks still healthy. If it is some kind of an insect or other disease my concern is, that it could eventually spread to other plants.
Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance...and sunny greetings from Miami
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Re: Thelo/Echinoc. yellow/orange spots

Post by Robb »

The same thing has happened to one of my sulcorebutias. it died.
My guess is that its caused by red spider mites or rust
Buying a cactus a day will keep the madness away.
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Re: Thelo/Echinoc. yellow/orange spots

Post by iann »

You mention two plants but show three. The first one looks like classic mite damage. The others not so much, possibly just a but of winter damage. The Thelocactus damage doesn't really look like mites but maybe is caused by an occasional pest having a nibble every now and then.

The Echinocereus has had a problem 1-2 years ago, possibly lost the growing point and grew a pup on top. Or it might have had severely checked growth due to poor conditions. The base looks ok although a little thirsty.
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