Aloe - what should I do with it?

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Aloe - what should I do with it?

Post by NCRAS »

This Aloe was growing in a ~2' shallow ~6" pot for about 4 years. I decided where I wanted to put it last year but as you can see, it was damaged by the freeze but it had about 15 flowers on it this spring. Ideas on what should I do with it? I would like to clean it up a bit. It is on a small mound where there will be two tiers. I am going to plant cactus and succulents around it.

Anyone have an idea what species this is?

Thank you.
Aloe Medium 2.jpeg
Aloe Medium 2.jpeg (144.42 KiB) Viewed 6164 times
AloeFlower1 Large.jpeg
AloeFlower1 Large.jpeg (42.8 KiB) Viewed 6164 times
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Re: Aloe - what should I do with it?

Post by nachtkrabb »

Sorry, I am no Aloe-specialist, so can't tell you the name. But what I would do is give it TIME. Aloe are that robust, it's quite possible it will regrow. So don't you worry too much about it.
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Re: Aloe - what should I do with it?

Post by greenknight »

I agree - wait and see, the leaves that are dead will dry up and you can do cleanup then. It's not in bad shape, really.

As for ID, there are so many species and cultivars... but it looks a lot like the common Aloe barbadensis (aka Aloe vera). The tall spikes of yellow flowers match that ID.
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Re: Aloe - what should I do with it?

Post by NCRAS »

Thank you for the replies. I was thinking that it was crowding itself and should be thinned or at minimum, the dead parts of the leaves trimmed but I will let her go and see what happens.
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Re: Aloe - what should I do with it?

Post by nachtkrabb »

maybe it was just very hot & dry. I have a couple of Haworthias that looked barely alive to me, or better more dead than alive. I moved them fram half shade to shade, now they are thrieving.
Of course this is not so easy when those Aloe are planted out. It just emphasizes the "wait & see".
N. :-)
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